How to set and print an auto increment number plus 1 for the delivery note number in excel form?

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How to set and print an auto increment number plus 1 for the delivery note number in excel form?
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According to the problem description, we can use Excel's VBA programming to realize the function of increasing 1 at a time. First, open the Excel development tool tab and enter the following code in the VBA editor:
Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean)
Dim lastRow As Long
lastRow = Range("A1"). End(xlUp). Row
For i = lastRow + 1 To Range("A1"). End(xlUp). Row
Range("A" & i). Value = Range("A1"). Value + 1
Next i
End Sub
This code will print the delivery note number line by line and add 1 after each delivery note.
In addition, Microsoft Excel is an office software developed by Microsoft, which is mainly used for data processing, statistical analysis and decision-making. It has many functions, such as opening or closing table header rows, adjusting each row with a single formula, sorting and filtering data, and so on. In Excel, you can use a large number of formula functions to perform calculations and manage the data information list and data chart making in spreadsheets or web pages. Word, PowerPoint, Access and other software are also combined with it.
It should be noted that VBA programming is supported in Excel 2003, but it is not common in earlier versions. The latest version adds many functions, making Excel more powerful.
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Assume that the delivery note number is in A1, Alt+F11, and add the following code, 1 will be added at a time
Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean)
Range(A1) = Range(A1) + 1
End Sub
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ZOL Q&A > How to set and print an auto increment number plus 1 for the delivery note number in excel form?


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