Format Cells ->Conditional Format. Then, select an appropriate format, such as red font or background color, and set a condition, such as "/>

In Excel, you want to start from the second line and mark every 10 lines. What do you want to do?

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In Excel, you want to start from the second line and mark every 10 lines. What do you want to do?
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To mark every 10 lines in Excel, you can use conditional formatting. First, click Start ->Format Cell ->Conditional Format on the cell you want to mark. Then, select an appropriate format, such as red font or background color, and set a condition, for example, display only when the number of lines is a multiple of 10. In this way, a regular style will be automatically generated in the table.
In addition, there are many other advanced functions in Excel that can help you complete various tasks. For example, use the VLOOKUP function to quickly find data; PivotTable can be used to summarize and analyze complex data.
I hope these tips can help you better use Excel to solve problems!
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In conditional format, select the column:
Start - Style - Conditional Format, create a new rule, and use the formula:
Format: Fill in red.
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Easily implemented using conditional formats:

Set the conditional format as shown in the figure. The wps are slightly different, and roughly the same.
Conditional format formula:=MOD (ROW(), 30)=3
Explanation: MOD (ROW(), 30) detects the remainder of 30 in the current line number, and then compares it with the prefabricated number, such as 3, to check whether 3, 33, 63 Such line number
After setting the first cell, the format can be brushed to other cells in this column:
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ZOL Q&A > In Excel, you want to start from the second line and mark every 10 lines. What do you want to do?


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