How to add 2 or 3 to a row or a column of numbers in an excel table at the same time

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How to add 2 or 3 to a row or a column of numbers in an excel table at the same time
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Enter 2 in an empty cell, copy the cell, select the area to add (or row or column), select Paste Special in the right-click menu, select Value and Add, and then click OK
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In this way, I suggest that you enter a number to add in a blank space, such as 100, copy - paste it selectively, select "Add" at the bottom "Operation", and confirm. In this way, you can add 100 to all the places you need to add.,
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Find a blank cell, write 100, and copy. Select your data cell, click Paste Special on the edit menu, check Add under Operation, and then click OK
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Select A1-C1 Copy, Paste Special - Transpose
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If the number is between A1 and A100, enter 100 in any empty cell, select this cell, copy, and select A1: A100 - Right click - Paste Selectively - Value - Add. OK
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If this column is column A, create a new column B. Enter=A2-A1 in B2, and then drag it down. Filter the rows greater than 1 in the final result. If the value is X, add X-1 rows to that row. This also needs to be added line by line, but it can save you from finding which lines need to be added! If you want to implement your requirements in batches, you can only program, I will not.
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If the data filtering is less than 100, select the row to delete
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ZOL Q&A > How to add 2 or 3 to a row or a column of numbers in an excel table at the same time


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