My computer automatically shuts down when it comes to the interface after being turned on? I thought it was a system problem, but it was the same problem when I reinstalled it!

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My computer automatically shuts down when it comes to the interface after being turned on? I thought it was a system problem, but it was the same problem when I reinstalled it!
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Such problems are generally caused by the system or the driver. If you say that you have eliminated the cause of the system and the driver, you should consider the hardware problem. First, you should consider the hard disk. If the hard disk has a bad track, it can also cause such a fault. I have encountered it. Also, check whether the CPU fan works normally, because if the fan does not turn, the CPU will overheat during the computer startup process, which will also cause automatic shutdown
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Maybe it's a hard disk virus. You'd better find someone to kill it.
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1: Incompatibility of hardware
2: Some hardware drivers are not installed properly. The common problem is that new hardware is found on the desktop display (most sound cards)
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > system > My computer automatically shuts down when it comes to the interface after being turned on? I thought it was a system problem, but it was the same problem when I reinstalled it!


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