Why does my fragrance disappear soon after I apply perfume? What's the point of perfume? I use Adidas' transcendence

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Why does my fragrance disappear soon after I apply perfume? What's the point of perfume? I use Adidas' transcendence
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The fragrance of perfume fades quickly may be caused by a variety of factors. One of them may be that the concentration of perfume you use is not high enough. It is recommended to try to use some high concentration perfume to improve the effect. In addition, if you spray too much perfume, it will also cause the fragrance to dissipate faster, so it is recommended to control the dosage when using it, and avoid spraying perfume directly on the skin, but gently spray it in the air to let it naturally diffuse.
In addition, there are other ways to extend the durability of perfume. For example, dry perfume on paper towels or fabrics for a period of time before use, which can remove moisture and impurities in the air, thus improving the fragrance durability. In addition, before spraying, gently wipe the body with a towel to remove oil, sweat and other substances, which may interfere with the fragrance.
Finally, pay attention to the formula and ingredients when choosing perfume. Some ingredients may make the fragrance dissipate faster or produce unpleasant odor. Therefore, it is recommended to read the product description carefully before purchasing, and choose a brand with good reputation and reliable quality.
I hope the above suggestions will help you! If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask me.
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1. Perfume should be sprayed on the parts that are not easy to sweat and have obvious pulse beating, such as behind the ears, neck, wrist and knee.
2. When using perfume, do not spray too much at one time. The best effect is to spray a small amount of perfume at many places.
3. Do not spray perfume on light colored clothes to avoid stains.
4. When the body moisture is heavy after bathing, spray perfume on the body, and the fragrance will be released more obviously.
5. If you want to create a faint fragrance, you can spray perfume into the air first, and then rotate in the air full of perfume to make the perfume fall evenly on your body.
Caution: For sensitive skin, spray perfume on underwear, handkerchief or skirt.

Places where perfume can be sprinkled on clothes:

Generally, perfume should not be directly sprinkled on clothes to avoid color marks. However, as the perfume becomes colorless and transparent, the formation of color marks may not be obvious sometimes, but it is still necessary to avoid the conspicuous parts of high-end clothing, and spray perfume on some concealed positions, which can not only reduce the irritation of perfume on the skin, but also improve the application effect. Especially when wearing thick clothes in autumn and winter, the effect of sprinkling on some parts of the body is often better than that on clothes.
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Spray perfume on the back of the ear or wrist to keep the fragrance for a long time
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Source: Shiqing Perfume Network - [Perfume Spray] - 1. Essence is "dot", perfume is "line", and perfume is "face". The lower the concentration, the wider the application range.
-2. Seven point method: First, spray perfume on the left and right wrist veins respectively, and gently touch the corresponding wrist veins with the middle finger and ring finger of both hands, then gently touch the back of both ears and the back neck; Close the hair gently and stay at the end of the hair for a long time; Touch the inner side of the corresponding elbow with both hands and wrists; Use a sprayer to spray perfume on the left and right sides of the waist, touch the waist with the left and right fingers respectively, and then touch the inner side of the thigh, the inner side of the left and right leg knees, and the inner side of the ankle with the fingers stained with perfume. The seven point fragrance wiping method ends here. Attention shall be paid to all touch movements in the process of fragrance rubbing without friction, otherwise the organic components in the perfume will react chemically and may destroy the original flavor of the perfume.
-3. Spray method: before putting on clothes, let the sprayer be about 10-20 cm away from the body, and spray mist like perfume. The wider the spraying range, the better, and then stand in the fragrance for 5 minutes; Or spray perfume into the air in a large range, and then walk slowly through the fragrance fog. In this way, the perfume can evenly fall on the body, leaving a faint fragrance.
-4. The essence is sprayed in spot wiping or small range at the place where the pulse beats: behind the ear, inside the wrist, behind the knee. The light essence shall be wiped or sprayed on the pulse beating place by points, and shall not be used on the pulse beating place in front of the chest or shoulder blades.
Perfumes, colognes or perfumes can be freely sprayed and used because the content of essential oil is not very high and will not damage the clothes. For example: pulse beating place, inside of clothes, on hair or in the air.
-5. The effect of perfume on the parts with high body temperature is better. Basically, the body temperature inside is higher than that outside; In addition, the aroma rises, and the ideal effect can be obtained by applying it on the lower part of the body rather than the upper part.
-6. Do not put perfume on the place exposed to the sun, because alcohol will leave spots on the skin when exposed to the sun. In addition, ultraviolet light will also cause chemical reaction of the organic components in the perfume, causing skin allergy.
-7. Perfume can be sprayed on clean and freshly washed hair. If there is dirt or grease on the hair, the perfume will deteriorate. At the same time, it cannot be sprayed on dry and fragile hair to avoid damage to hair quality.
-8. Perfume is an organic component, which is easy to fade and damage due to the reaction of gold and silver pearls. Therefore, perfume can not be sprayed directly on ornaments, and you can wear jewelry after spraying perfume.
-9. Cotton and silk are easy to leave traces. Do not spray on the fur. It will not only damage the fur, but also change its color.
-10. Perfume sprayed on wool and nylon fabrics is not easy to leave spots. However, it is difficult to dissipate the fragrance left on pure wool.
-[Prohibitions for use]
-1. Do not spray perfume on exposed parts that are easily exposed to the sun. Because some of the spices in perfume are volatile oils extracted from natural plants, some of which contain furan coumarin, such as citron oil. If sprayed on the face and the parts that are easy to be exposed to the sun, the UVA in the sun will combine with these chemicals sprayed on the skin, resulting in a photochemical reaction, Finally, skin inflammation and dotted black spots appear on the face.
-2. Perfume should not be directly applied to face and allergic skin. Perfumes contain a large amount of alcohol, especially toilet water, which is more alcohol and more irritating, so it is not suitable to directly rub on the face, sensitive skin and baby skin.
-3. Perfume should not always be directly sprayed on the skin, because if the skin is stimulated by alcohol for a long time, it may cause allergy. Therefore, the use method should be changed. According to the situation, perfume can be sprinkled on the clothes sometimes to give off fragrance.
-4. Perfume should not be too thick or too much, otherwise it will backfire, and it is also likely to lead to olfactory disorder, which is harmful to the spirit. In addition, it is also easy to give people a feeling of aloofness, pompousness and narcissism.
-5. Perfume should not be applied on the forehead, armpits, shoes and other areas prone to perspiration. Because there is a lot of sweat in these parts, it is easy to dilute perfume, and the combination of sweat and fragrance will produce strange smell.
-6. Perfume should not be sprayed on fur, gold, pearls and other clothing accessories, because perfume will make them lose their natural luster.
-7. Two different perfumes should not be used together. The mixed fragrance will make each of the original perfumes lose its pure flavor, and it is likely to smell very uncomfortable.
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ZOL Q&A > Chassis > Other classifications > Why does my fragrance disappear soon after I apply perfume? What's the point of perfume? I use Adidas' transcendence


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