In Word XP, () cannot be displayed in normal view.

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In Word XP, () cannot be displayed in normal view.
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In Word XP, () cannot be displayed in normal view.
The answer is: []
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Right click in the blank area of the navigation. After the "Customize Quick Access Bar", select what you want, and then add it. Think about it for yourself. I'm not used to it from 2003 to 2010. After you get used to it, you will find that 2010 is really meaningful for her to upgrade
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1. The normal view uses dotted lines to represent page breaks, which is compact. The number of words per line is the same as that of the page view, but some formats cannot be seen.
2. Page view is the most commonly used view. What you see here is what you get, and what you see is what you print out.
3. Web layout view is a bit like a web page, and each line of words is different from the actual.
4. The outline view, which is displayed at the title level, is generally used for long documents. Its advantage is that it can easily adjust the position of the whole document, which is conducive to the modification of long documents.
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ZOL Q&A > In Word XP, () cannot be displayed in normal view.


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