Do you want to remove the Baidu online disk from my computer

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Do you want to remove the Baidu online disk from my computer
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To delete the Baidu online disk icon in the computer, you can follow the steps below:
1. Open the computer desktop and find the icon of Baidu online disk in the taskbar.
2. Right click and select "Attribute" in the pop-up menu.
3. In the "Properties" window, click the "Shortcut Keys" tab.
4. In this tab, you can see the shortcut keys of Baidu online disk. If no shortcut key is set, the icon has no custom shortcut key.
5. If you want to delete the Baidu online disk icon, you can set the shortcut key to blank.
The above methods are applicable to Windows systems. There may be some differences between different operating systems. Please operate according to the actual situation. In addition, if you want to completely remove the Baidu online disk software itself, you need to uninstall it in the control panel or software management tool.
Tips: Before any system settings or software uninstallation, be sure to back up important data to avoid data loss or other problems.
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To remove the Baidu online disk from the computer, you can follow the steps below:
1. Open the control panel, enter "Uninstall Program" in the search box and click Open.
2. Find Baidu online disk in the uninstall program and select the uninstall option.
3. Wait for the system to complete the uninstall process.
4. If Baidu netdisk needs to be completely removed, it also needs to be cleaned in the registry editor. First, open the registry editor, enter "Baidu Online Disk" in the search box and click Search.
5. After finding the item related to Baidu online disk, right-click and select Delete.
The above methods can help you successfully remove Baidu online disk from your computer. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask me.
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To remove the Baidu network disk on the computer, you can follow the steps below:
1. First, please ensure that you have logged in to your Baidu account.
2. Open the official website of Baidu Online Disk, find the "My" option in the upper right corner of the page, and click to enter.
3. On the "My" page, find and click the "Settings" option.
4. On the setting page, find the "Privacy Settings" option and click to enter.
5. On the privacy setting page, find the "third-party access" option and click to enter.
6. On the third party access page, find the option of "Prevent access to my folder" and tick this option.
7. Finally, click the Confirm button at the bottom to save the changes.
Through the above steps, you will successfully remove Baidu online disk from your computer. If you have other questions, please feel free to ask.
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > Other classifications > Do you want to remove the Baidu online disk from my computer


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