How to make the table of contents generated by Word display four levels of titles and automatically indent them

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How to make the table of contents generated by Word display four levels of titles and automatically indent them
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In order to insert a table of contents in Word and automatically indent it to level 4 titles, you can follow the steps below:
1. First, select the location in the document where you want to add the directory.
2. Then, click the "Reference" tab, find the "Directory" option in the upper toolbar, and click it.
3. In the pop-up dialog box, select the type of "Insert Directory" and click "OK".
4. Next, set the Display Level of the dialog box to 4. This ensures that the table of contents displays only titles with a title level of 4. You can adjust the display level by dragging the scroll bar.
5. Finally, click "OK" to complete the directory insertion process.
Through the above steps, you will be able to automatically generate a table of contents in a Word document with 4-level headings that are indented correctly. In this way, readers can clearly understand the document structure and chapter distribution.
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Ha ha, choose me! 1. The header awareness level in the body is set incorrectly.
2. The level of the generated directory set in the Insert Directory Hu Jing Wizard does not simply eliminate the first level title of the selected directory.
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How to make the table of contents generated by Word display four levels of titles and automatically indent them
The word directory displays four or more levels of titles. In fact, there are nine levels of titles in the word, only the first three levels are generally displayed. If you want to display more than four levels of titles, you can insert the directory after adjusting the level and format of the displayed directory outline instead of automatically generating it. Take word07 as an example,

Word03 is similar to the above. Change the display level when inserting the directory.
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Problem 1 can be solved by resetting the title format,
The way to ignore the directory page is: insert a separator below the directory page → next page → unlink to the previous page
Then set the page number in the body part.
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