I use a high diffuse digital board. After the driver is installed, I use ps to draw without pressure. I can't draw the head after solving

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I use a high diffuse digital board. After the driver is installed, I use ps to draw without pressure. I can't draw the head after solving
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It may be that your digital board driver has not turned on the pressure sensing function. You can try to enter the official download page of Gaoman to check whether there is the latest driver update and install the latest driver. If the problem is still unsolved, we recommend that you contact Gaoman customer support for help. At the same time, when using the digital tablet, it is recommended that you select the appropriate pressure level according to your own needs to obtain a better drawing experience.
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Is there a battery in your pen?
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Try it with the drive of King Painter, and it should be solved!
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If the drive is confirmed to be correct
Plug in the digital board, restart the drive software, or directly restart the computer
Try other brushes. If other brushes are normal, it is not a problem with the Gaodiffuse digital tablet. Use another brush
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Ask customer service on the official website
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The solution is actually very simple. Pulling out your mouse will make you feel pressured. If you don't believe it, try it. It's amazing.
Inserting the mouse will not affect anything.
If there is no hard shortcut key in the full drive setting, install a 1060plus driver for King Painter.
Gao Man, hehe.
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ZOL Q&A > cabinet > Other classifications > I use a high diffuse digital board. After the driver is installed, I use ps to draw without pressure. I can't draw the head after solving

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