Ps, why do I display a warning when I use the reverse selection (shift+ctrl+I) tool: no pixels are displayed

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Ps, why do I display a warning when I use the reverse selection (shift+ctrl+I) tool: no pixels are displayed
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In ps, I select a layer. Why does it display a warning when I use the reverse selection (shift+ctrl+I) tool: How can I call up the selection area of layer 1, boss, and use the lasso tool? No way View All

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When you use the Invert Selection tool, if no pixels are displayed, it means that no object or area is selected. This may be caused by the following reasons:
1. No suitable object or area is selected.
2. The reverse selection option is not enabled.
3. Invert whether the tool is applicable to the current operation.
4. There are transparency and other special effects in the image.
1. Make sure that the appropriate object or area is selected.
2. Check whether the anti selection option is enabled.
3. Confirm whether the current operation supports the reverse selection function.
4. If there are special effects such as transparency, try to cancel the effect and then reverse the selection.
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Before using Invert Selection, you must select an area

Of course, you can't select all the layers, otherwise you can't select all the layers inversely
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Ctrl+shift+i means reverse selection
That is to say, if there is a selection area, press the shortcut key to reverse the selection, and then you can delete
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..... The first one is the tool bar (select the tool)
You press the left mouse button to pull from the upper left corner of the figure to the lower corner
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ZOL Q&A > cabinet > Other classifications > Ps, why do I display a warning when I use the reverse selection (shift+ctrl+I) tool: no pixels are displayed

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