E Why is the search function from excel worksheet suddenly useless

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E Why is the search function from excel worksheet suddenly useless
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Help me. The name I'm looking for is clearly there. Great Xia, why does it show that the data being searched cannot be found

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It may be caused by the different versions of Excel. If it is the latest version, it is recommended to try to use other more advanced functions to search and ensure that the input data is correct. In addition, if there is a large amount of data or the data format is complex, you can also consider using VBA programming to implement the search function.
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It seems that rank function cannot cross worktables
You can try this
Suppose your data is in sheet1 and sheet2
Sort sheet1 data
=COUNTIF ($A $1: $A $5,&A3)+COUNTIF (Sheet2! $A $1: $A $4,&A3)+1 drop-down
Sort sheet2
=COUNTIF ($A $1: $A $5,&A1)+COUNTIF (Sheet1! $A $1: $A $5,&A1)+1 drop-down
The region adjusts itself
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Enter or copy and paste the following formula in A1 of SHEET1
=INDIRECT ("Sheet"&RO film scenario transmission W (A2)&"! F37")

Drop Down Fill
You will get the values of cell F37 in each worksheet from SHEET2 to SHEET100. Follow up: each of my worksheets is not the name of the sheet, but other names. What do you mean by other items?
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Find the cause of function failure:
1. The cell format is inconsistent with the search format. On the surface, your data is the same, but in fact, there are format differences. For example, the number in the cell is in text format. If you use Ctrl+F to search for Arabic numerals, you will not find them. The solution is to set the cell to a regular format;
2. There is space in the cell. This phenomenon is often encountered, especially some imported data or data copied from other files. It is not easy to detect the space in half width format in Excel, which also causes that when Ctrl+F searches for a group of data, it cannot find it. The solution is to replace the spaces.
3. Cells are obtained in the form of formulas, which is also a common reason why Excel cannot find them. The solution is to copy and paste the cells into numeric format.
Find function usage:
1. After determining the range of the content to be searched, you can determine the search range in a cell range, the entire worksheet (you can select any of the cells in this worksheet to transfer to the preferred cell), or multiple worksheets in the workbook before performing the search operation.
2. If you are not sure where the content you are looking for is located, select any cell.
3. In the Edit menu, select Find command.
4. In the pop-up dialog box, enter the content to search. When entering the search content, you can use the question mark (?) and asterisk (*) as wildcards to facilitate the search operation. The question mark (?) represents a character, and the asterisk (*) represents one or more characters.

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