When editing WPS text, why is it that a text will be overwritten after input when modifying? Baidu Zhi

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When editing WPS text, why is it that a text will be overwritten after input when modifying? Baidu Zhi
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In WPS text editing, if a text is modified, it may be overwritten because of improper editing. Specifically, this problem may be related to the following points:
1. Incorrect selection of editing mode: When using the editing mode, if the "Insert" mode is selected instead of the "Replace" mode, then when the text needs to be modified, the next text will be overwritten.
2. Incorrect text size setting: Sometimes, when modifying the text size, an error will occur, and the original smaller size will be adjusted to a larger size, so that the new text entered later will overwrite the old text entered earlier.
3. Incorrect operation sequence: certain steps need to be followed when making modifications, such as clicking the "Replace" button before entering new content to ensure that the new content will not overwrite the old content.
To solve this problem, you can try the following methods:
1. Check whether the editing mode is correctly selected, and select the appropriate editing mode for operation as required.
2. Confirm whether the text size is set correctly and adjust it to a proper size.
3. Pay attention to the operation sequence and follow the correct steps.
In a word, the problem that a text will be overwritten after being modified in WPS text editing is probably caused by incorrect selection of editing mode, incorrect setting of text size, or incorrect operation sequence. For these problems, you can try different solutions to avoid coverage.
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When editing WPS text, a text will be overwritten after modifying the input text. This is because the "Insert Mode" in WPS has changed to "Overwrite Mode", which causes the problem of Word typing overwriting. There are two solutions. The specific operation methods are as follows:
Method 1:
1. First, right click the blank space of the taskbar under the opened WPS document, and click "Overwrite" in the pop-up menu.

2. Then you can see "Overwrite" in the task bar below WPS, as shown in the figure, when editing WPS text, a text will be overwritten after modifying the input text because the "Overwrite" status is turned on at this time..

3. Click "Overwrite" on the taskbar, and turn "Overwrite" off. At this time, it will become the insertion mode, and the phenomenon of typing overlay will no longer occur.

Method 2:
We can directly press the "insert" key on the keyboard to freely switch between "overwrite mode" and "insert mode". The "insert" key is mainly used to switch the text input mode in the word processor. One is the overwrite mode, where the new input word at the cursor position will replace the original word; The other is the insertion mode. The newly entered word is inserted at the cursor position, and the original word is moved back accordingly.
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Sorry, the question you provided is not specific enough, and I can't give an accurate answer. If you can provide more information or specific problem description, I will try my best to help you solve it. thank you!
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This problem is relatively common, mainly because of the formatting problem inside the WPS text editing software. The solution is to click the "Format Brush" button before entering the editing mode, and then enter the text to avoid the text being overwritten. At the same time, when using the WPS text editing software, it is recommended to pay more attention to the format setting options inside the software, and update the software version in time to ensure the stable operation of the software.
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This problem may be caused by the automatic completion function of the input method. When we input text, if the input method automatically completes the following words, the previous input will be overwritten. The solution is to switch to another input method or turn off the auto complete function. In addition, there may be compatibility problems with the current word processing software. It is recommended to try to update the software version or replace other similar software for testing. If the problem still exists, please contact the relevant technical support personnel for help.
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This problem may occur in the WPS text editing software. When modifying text, if the number of words entered exceeds the length of the text box, the last line of text will be overwritten.
1. Open the WPS text editing software and click "Format" in the menu bar.
2. Select "Table and Border" in the pop-up dialog box.
3. Find "Paragraph spacing" in the drop-down menu and click to enter.
4. Adjust the paragraph spacing to 0 in the pop-up dialog box (if Auto Adjust is not checked, please check).
5. Click OK to save the modification.
In addition, in daily use, we should also pay attention to some details, such as following the correct format when entering, and not changing the font size at will. This can improve work efficiency and avoid unnecessary mistakes.
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This problem may be caused by software settings or program errors. The solution is as follows:
1. Check the software settings: In the WPS text editor, click the "Start" tab on the menu bar and select "View" in the drop-down menu to ensure that the "Auto Save" option is enabled. If you have enabled the auto save function but still have problems, you can try restarting the computer or replacing it with another reliable editor.
2. Save the file: Please save the file before making any changes. This ensures that your changes are not lost and further problems can be avoided.
3. Clear the registry: Sometimes errors in the registry can cause such problems. You can use the registry cleanup tool provided with the system to repair registry errors.
If none of the above methods can help you, it is recommended that you contact the relevant technical support team for help. They will provide more professional solutions.
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This problem may be caused by the design of WPS text editing software itself. When using WPS text editing, if you need to modify the text, a text will be overwritten. This is because WPS uses the "Insert" mode to edit the document by default. Before inserting new text, the previous content will be cleared, resulting in the modified content cannot be retained.
The following methods can be adopted to solve this problem:
1. Edit in "Replace" mode: select "Replace" mode in WPS text editing, select "Replace All" for the text to be modified when editing the document, and then enter the new text.
2. Use of third-party editing software: In addition to WPS, there are many other text editing software available on the market, such as Microsoft Word, Notepad++, etc. In these software, the modified content will not be cleared in the "Insert" mode.
3. Close the automatic saving function: Open "Settings" - "Advanced Settings" - "Automatic Saving" in WPS text editing, and set the automatic saving time to 0 seconds, so that each modification can be saved.
In a word, when using any text editing software, attention should be paid to data backup and automatic saving, so as to prevent data loss or editing content being cleared.
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ZOL Q&A > When editing WPS text, why is it that a text will be overwritten after input when modifying? Baidu Zhi

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