In PPT, why can't the video be inserted? It always prompts that Kingsoft demo can't be inserted from the selected file

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In PPT, why can't the video be inserted? It always prompts that Kingsoft demo can't be inserted from the selected file
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In the WPS PPT, it is prompted that Jinshan Demo cannot insert from the selected file. Please check whether the file is damaged. This is caused by the loss of WPS components. You need to reinstall the WPS software to solve the problem of component loss:
1. First, enter WPS download in Baidu search, and then click Enter:

2. After entering the official website, click Download Now:

3. After downloading, find the downloaded installation package on the computer and click Start:

4. Select the installation path and click Install:

5. After installation, you can find all the software of WPS Office on the desktop of your computer. After reinstallation, the WPS Office will not lose files:
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In the WPS PPT, it is prompted that Jinshan Demo cannot insert from the selected file. Please check whether the file is damaged. This is caused by the loss of WPS components. You need to reinstall the WPS software to solve the problem of component loss:

1. First, enter WPS download in Baidu search, and then click Enter:

2. After entering the official website, click Download Now:

3. After downloading, find the downloaded installation package on the computer and click Start:

4. Select the installation path and click Install:

5. After installation, you can find all the software of WPS Office on the desktop of your computer. After reinstallation, the WPS Office will not lose files:
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I'm sorry, the problem description you provided is not clear enough, and I can't accurately understand the problem you encountered. If you encounter the problem that you cannot insert a video when you insert it, please provide more details, such as the operating system you are using, the PPT version, and the video file format. In this way, I can give more accurate solutions.
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It may be a problem with the PPT template. It is recommended to replace other templates. In addition, if the video is inserted through a link, you need to ensure that the link is valid and can play normally. If the video is stored locally, you need to confirm whether the video format is consistent with the format supported by PPT. If the above methods are invalid, you can try to convert the video to the format supported by PPT and then insert it.
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This may be because the format of the video file is not supported or incompatible with the PPT format. You can try to convert the video to a supported format, or convert it to a PPT compatible format before inserting it. In addition, make sure that the appropriate player and driver have been installed to ensure that the video plays normally in PPT. If the problem still exists, please try reinstalling Kingsoft demo software or seek help from technical support personnel.
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ZOL Q&A > In PPT, why can't the video be inserted? It always prompts that Kingsoft demo can't be inserted from the selected file


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