How to extract all the mobile phone numbers in the Word document?

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How to extract all the mobile phone numbers in the Word document?
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To extract all the mobile phone numbers in the Word document, you can use some professional data extraction tools. These tools can quickly and accurately identify all kinds of information contained in the document and save it in a readable data format. A common tool is the Beautiful Soup library in Python, which parses HTML files and extracts the required information by writing simple Python code. In addition, you can also use the search function that comes with Microsoft Word to find all text containing mobile phone numbers in the search results.
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Use Edit - Search, check "Use wildcard", check "Highlight all in this range...", enter the search content as 1 ", No quotation marks, 10 question marks in English, and then search. All phones will be selected, copied, and pasted into a new file or excel
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You see, doesn't the phone number usually start with 13 or 15?
You can use the search function in Word to search for keywords 13, 15, and 18, and basically all the phone numbers are marked.
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Use the search function, press Ctrl+F to pop up the "Find and Replace" window, enter the first three digits of the phone in the search content column, such as 136, and then enter a symbol: * (asterisk, press Shift+8). After entering, click the "Find Next" button.
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Use the search method, and then copy to another document to save.
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This is really difficult for ordinary people. You can copy all the content into a txt text document, paste it into a software called Jinzhi Software, and click "Extract Mobile Number" to easily retrieve the mobile number, saving time.
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