What is the shortcut key for selecting colors in Photoshop?

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What is the shortcut key for selecting colors in Photoshop?
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In Photoshop, the shortcut key for optional colors is Ctrl+J. This shortcut key can copy the color of the current layer to another layer, and only retain the same color of the original layer as the new layer. This function is very practical and can help us fix the color problem in photos or change the color effect of photos.
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There is no first level shortcut key for the PS "Optional Color" function. If necessary, you can manually add a shortcut key for this function. The method is as follows:
Materials required: PS CS6 demonstration.
1、 First, press Alt+Ctrl+Shift+K at the same time to open the keyboard shortcut and menu window, and click to expand the "Image" option.

2、 Scroll down under the image option to find the "adjustment" option, and continue to look down again (the optional colors are under the adjustment option).

3、 After finding the optional color, click the item and manually add a non conflicting shortcut key (when the shortcut key conflicts, a yellow exclamation mark will be displayed below).

4、 Finally, click the keyboard shortcut and "OK" in the upper right corner of the menu window. The operation of adding shortcut keys for optional colors is completed.
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alt+i+a+s, There is no first level shortcut key, or you can customize it on the keyboard shortcut key
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Gradation tool, paint bucket tool [G] blur, sharpen, daub tool [R] lighten, deepen, sponge tool [O] path selection tool, direct selection tool [A] text tool [T] pen, free pen [P] rectangle, round edge rectangle, ellipse, polygon, straight line [U] tablet, voice annotation [N] straw, color sampler Measurement tool [I] Grab tool [H] Zoom tool [Z] Default foreground and background color [D] Switch foreground and background color [X] Switch standard mode and quick mask mode [Q] Standard screen mode, full screen mode with menu bar [F] Jump to ImageReady3.0 [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[M] Temporary use of the move tool [Ctrl] Temporarily use the color absorption tool [Alt] Temporarily use the grab tool [Space] to quickly input tool options (there is at least one adjustable number in the current tool option panel) [0] to [9] to cycle select the brush [[] or []] to create a new gradient (in the "gradient editor") [Ctrl]+[N] File Operation Create a new graphic file [Ctrl]+[N] Open an existing image [Ctrl]+[O] Open as Ctrl+Alt+O Close the current image Ctrl+W Save the current image Ctrl+S Save As [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[S] Store as a web page Use graphics [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Shift]+[S] Page settings [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[P] Print preview [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[P] Print [Ctrl]+[P] Exit Photoshop [Ctrl]+[Q] Edit operations Restore/redo previous operations [Ctrl]+[Z] Step by step Restore [Ctrl] +Alt+Z Redo step by step backward Ctrl+Shift+Z Fade in/out Ctrl+Shift+F Cut the selected image or path Ctrl+X or F2 Copy the selected image or path Ctrl+C Merge Copy Ctrl+Shift+C Paste the contents of the clipboard to the current graph Ctrl+V or F4 Paste the contents of the clipboard into the box [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[V] Free transformation [Ctrl]+[T] Apply free transformation (in free transformation mode) [Enter] Transform from the center or symmetric point (in free transformation mode) [Alt] Limit (in free transformation mode) [Shift] Twist (in free transformation mode) [Ctrl] Cancel deformation (in free transformation mode) [Esc] Free transformation copied pixel data [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[T] Transform the copied pixel data again and create a copy [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Alt]+[T] Delete the pattern in the box or the selected path [DEL] Fill the selected area or the whole layer with background color [Ctrl]+[BackSpace] or [Ctrl] +Del: fill the selected area or the whole layer with foreground color. Alt+BackSpace or Alt+Del: fill in the fill dialog box. Shift+BackSpace: fill in the history. Alt+Ctrl+Backspace: open the Color Settings dialog box. Ctrl+Shift+K: open the Preset Manager dialog box. Alt+E After releasing, press [M] preset brush (in the "Pre adjustment Manager" dialog box) [Ctrl]+[1] preset color style (in the "Pre adjustment Manager" dialog box) [Ctrl]+[2] preset gradient fill (in the "Pre adjustment Manager" dialog box) [Ctrl]+[3] preset layer effect (in the "Pre adjustment Manager" dialog box) [Ctrl] +【4】 Preset hatch (in the "Preset Manager" dialog box) [Ctrl]+[5] Preset contour (in the "Preset Manager" dialog box) [Ctrl]+[6] Preset customized vector graphics (in the "Preset Manager" dialog box) [Ctrl]+[7] Open the "Preset" dialog box [Ctrl]+[K] Display the last displayed "Preset" dialog box [Alt]+[Ctrl]+[K] Set the "General" option (in the preset dialog box) [Ctrl]+[1] Set the "Storage File" (in the preset dialog box) [Ctrl]+[2] Set the "Display and Cursor" (in the preset dialog box) [Ctrl]+[3] Set the "Transparent Area and Color Gamut" (in the preset dialog box) [Ctrl] +【4】 Set the "Unit and Scale" (in the preset dialog box) [Ctrl]+[5] Set the "Reference Line and Grid" (in the preset dialog box) [Ctrl]+[6] Set the "Efficiency Enhancement Tool and Temporary Disk" (in the preset dialog box) [Ctrl]+[7] Set the "Memory and Image High Speed Cache" (in the preset dialog box) [Ctrl]+[8] Image adjustment Adjust color scale [Ctrl]+[L] Auto adjust color scale [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[L] Auto adjust contrast [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Shift]+[L] Open the curve adjustment dialog box [Ctrl]+[M] Add new points on the curve of the selected channel (in the 'Curve' dialog box) [Ctrl] in the image Add Point Press Add a new point on all curves except the composite curve (in the 'Curve' dialog box) [Ctrl]+[Shift] Add Point Press to move the selected point (in the 'Curve' dialog box) [↑]/[↓]/[←]/[→] Move the selected point in 10 point increments (in the 'Curve' dialog box) [Shift]+[Arrow] Select multiple control points (in the 'curve' dialog box) [Shift] Add a point Press to move the control point forward (in the 'curve' dialog box) [Ctrl]+[Tab] Move the control point backward (in the 'curve' dialog box) [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Tab] Add a new point (in the 'curve' dialog box) Delete a point by grid (in the 'curve' dialog box) [Ctrl] Add points and press points to deselect all points on the selected channel (in the 'Curve' dialog box) [Ctrl]+[D] Make the curve grid finer or rougher (in the 'Curve' dialog box) [Alt] Add points and press grid to select color channels (in the 'Curve' dialog box) [Ctrl]+[~] Select monochrome channels (in the 'Curve' dialog box) [Ctrl]+[Number] Open "Color Balance" Dialog box [Ctrl]+[B] Open the "Hue/Saturation" dialog box [Ctrl]+[U] Adjust the whole picture (in the Hue/Saturation dialog box) [Ctrl]+[~] Adjust only red (in the Hue/Saturation dialog box) [Ctrl]+[1] Adjust only yellow (in the Hue/Saturation dialog box) [Ctrl]+[2] Adjust only green (in the Hue/Saturation dialog box) Ctrl+3 Adjust cyan only (in the hue/saturation dialog box) Ctrl+4 Adjust blue only (in the hue/saturation dialog box) Ctrl+5 Adjust magenta only (in the hue/saturation dialog box) Ctrl+6 Decolorize Ctrl+Shift+U Invert Ctrl+I Open the Extract dialog box Ctrl +[Alt]+[X] Edge brightening tool (in the "Extract" dialog box) [B] Filling tool (in the "Extract" dialog box) [G] Erasing tool (in the "Extract" dialog box) [E] Clearing tool (in the "Extract" dialog box) [C] Edge trimming tool (in the "Extract" dialog box) [T] Scaling tool (in the "Extract" dialog box) [Z] Grab tool (in the Extract dialog box) [H] Change the display mode (in the Extract dialog box) [F] Increase the brush size (in the Extract dialog box) []] Decrease the brush size (in the Extract dialog box) [[] Completely delete the highlight line (in the Extract dialog box) [Alt]+[BackSpace] Brighten the entire extracted object (in the Extract dialog box) Ctrl+BackSpace Open the Liquefaction dialog box Ctrl+Shift+X Twist tool (in the Liquefaction dialog box) W Rotate the tool clockwise (in the Liquefaction dialog box) R Rotate the tool counterclockwise (in the Liquefaction dialog box) L Collapse tool (in the Liquefaction dialog box) P Expand tool (in the Liquefaction dialog box) In the dialog box) [B] Reflection tool (in the "Liquefaction" dialog box) [M] Reconstruction tool (in the "Liquefaction" dialog box) [E] Freezing tool (in the "Liquefaction" dialog box) [F] Thawing tool (in the "Liquefaction" dialog box) [T] Apply the "Liquefaction" effect and return to the main Photoshop interface (in the "Liquefaction" dialog box) [Enter] Discard "Liquefaction" Effect and return to the main Photoshop interface (in the "Liquefaction" dialog box) [ESC
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ZOL Q&A > keyboard > Other classifications > What is the shortcut key for selecting colors in Photoshop?


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