How to double click a cell in Excel and jump to another worksheet (or another file)

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How to double click a cell in Excel and jump to another worksheet (or another file)
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In Excel, to double click a cell and jump to another worksheet or other file, you can use VBA programming language to write macros. Here are simple steps:
1. Open Excel and enter the workbook or worksheet where you want to set macros.
2. Click the "Development Tools" tab, and click the "Visual Basic Editor" button in the "Macro" group to open the Visual Basic editor.
3. In the editor, click "Insert" on the menu bar, select "Module", and enter the following code in the pop-up dialog box:
Sub Jump to another worksheet ()
Sheets("Sheet1"). Select
End Sub
4. Press F5 to run the macro.
The above code will select the worksheet named "Sheet1" and set it as the current active worksheet. You can modify the cell, worksheet and other parameters in the code as needed.
5. Finally, double-click the cell to trigger the macro in the Excel application to realize the jump function.
Please note that this is just a simple example code. Different situations and requirements may arise in actual applications, so you may need to make appropriate modifications and adjustments according to the specific situation. If you need more help, please consult professional technicians or relevant materials.
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1 Open a workbook
2 Right click a cell, select Hyperlink from the drop-down menu, and specify linked workbooks.
3 After pointing, it will turn blue, and click to open the workbook.
4 To get to a specific cell, click "Bookmark" in the hyperlink interface
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It can be realized by using hyperlinks. After opening an Excel table, right click the cell and select the hyperlink to set it to return to the specified cell. Here, wps office is used for demonstration:
Open Excel table file ---- Right click cell ---- Hyperlink

Open the hyperlink ---- select the location in this document ---- enter the cell you want to return ---- OK.
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such as
Double click A1 to automatically jump to
This worksheet
Sheets Select
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ZOL Q&A > How to double click a cell in Excel and jump to another worksheet (or another file)


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