When you come to an Excel table, the original outline of the table disappears. How can you restore it?

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When you come to an Excel table, the original outline of the table disappears. How can you restore it?
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The following is what I rewrote for you:
When restoring part of the borders of an Excel table, you can follow the steps below:
1. After opening the Excel table, if some table lines disappear, please select the whole table.
2. Find and click the "Start - Border" option on the menu bar.
3. In the pop-up dialog box, select the "All Borders" option.
4. At this time, the whole table will be added with borders again, and the lost table lines will also be restored.
It should be noted that if the Excel software background is filled with white, it may cover the grid lines and cause the display failure. The solution is to set the background fill to No Fill Color so that the display of grid lines can be restored.
I hope the above rewriting will help you! If you have any other questions or needs, please feel free to ask me.
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Draw it again. Maybe you didn't save it after the last time you drew it!
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This is a setting problem. You can reset the lower border. The specific operation steps are as follows:
Materials required: computer, Excel
1. After opening the print preview, observe the missing position of the border.

2. Then close the preview, and return to the editing page after closing the preview. You can see the page separated by dotted lines.

3. Then select the front and back two lines of the missing part of the border. You cannot select only one missing line.

4. Then click the Border Settings button on the upper toolbar and select All Borders.
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I have just finally solved the problem. After you open it, the relevant table borders are gone, and the previous settings have also changed. The processing method is: 1. Reset the table to the desired style, and then save it; 2. Click: File - Save as - EXCEL workbook; 3. Use the file saved as and then open it. If you edit it again, the lines will not disappear. Try it. Anyway, I just solved the problem. I hope I can help more people
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I have just finally solved the problem. After you open it, the relevant table borders are gone, and the previous settings have also changed. The processing method is: 1. Reset the table to the desired style, and then save it; 2. Click: File - Save as - EXCEL workbook; 3. Use the file saved as and then open it. If you edit it again, the lines will not disappear. Try it. Anyway, I just solved the problem. I hope I can help more people

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If we open a document to be printed, we will find that the form lines disappear in the print preview for some reason. In this case, we need to deal with it in a timely manner. If such problems also occur in your print document, we can learn the following course together with the editor: What should we do if the form lines disappear in excel print?
1. Open a file to be printed, as shown in the following figure.
2. Select all required content areas, as shown in the following figure.
3. Right click and select the Set Cell Format option, as shown in the following figure.
4. Click the "Border" option at the top of the window, as shown in the following figure.
5. Select the thin solid line pattern in the left line style, as shown in the following figure.
6. Select the Outer Border and Inner options, as shown in the following figure.
7. Click "OK" to fill in the form lines successfully, as shown in the following figure.
8. At this time, you can see that the border color of the content part has changed to black, and then the border will appear when printing.
The above is how to deal with the disappearance of the outline of excel printed tables,
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The excel table outline disappears after re opening

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The excel table outline disappears after re opening
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ZOL Q&A > When you come to an Excel table, the original outline of the table disappears. How can you restore it?


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