Wps document Founder Song Dynasty style gbk font

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Wps document Founder Song Dynasty style gbk font
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When using WPS office software, if you need to use Fangzheng Fangsong GBK font, you can set it as follows:
1. First, install Fangzheng Fangsong GBK font file on the computer. You can download the font file on Founder's official website or other formal channels and copy it to the local storage space of your computer.
2. Open the WPS document, find the "Page Layout" tab in the toolbar, and click the "Select..." button in the "Font" section.
3. In the pop-up dialog box, click "File Browse" to find the Fangzheng Fangsong GBK font file stored previously.
4. After confirming to select the font file, click the OK button to confirm. At this time, WPS office software should be able to correctly display Fangzheng Fangsong GBK font.
Note that if Fangzheng Fangsong GBK font is not installed on the computer, the font cannot be displayed normally. Therefore, please ensure that the relevant fonts have been correctly installed and configured before use.
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The font should be: "LEXUS Simple Middle Black U Medium"; See the figure below.
Baidu Search → Qiufen Website, uploaded the picture font on the official website of Qiufen Website, and recognized the matching font of this font. This font on the website is available for free download.

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GBK is the national standard expansion library, which is much more complete than GB, including traditional fonts and rare characters.
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Find the style corresponding to the title text, and select "New document based on this template" when modifying. Has the original template changed?
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1: GBK font is added, and simplified font is simplified font, and traditional font is traditional font
2: For fonts without GBK (1), only simplified characters can be printed and traditional characters can be changed (2), only traditional characters can be printed and traditional characters can only be displayed, but simplified characters cannot be changed
Deleted 1 minute ago
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I am also looking for this font, depressed, looking forward to answering.
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1. First, enter "Fangzheng Fangsong GBK" in Baidu search, and find the address to download in the search results.

2. Download the font package to your computer and unzip it. Double click the unzipped font file.

3. Click the "Install" button in the open font file window.

4. Then wait for the system to automatically install fonts. After installation, the prompt box in the following figure will disappear automatically.

5. Then double-click to open the Word document, and you can find the installed "Founder Fangsong GBK" font in the drop-down menu of the font column.
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