Why doesn't the PS in my computer display icons on the interface and on the control panel after it is installed, but the program can't be found

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Why doesn't the PS in my computer display icons on the interface and on the control panel after it is installed, but the program can't be found
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The Photoshop icon may not be displayed on the desktop due to some problems in your computer. First, you can check whether the Photoshop software has been correctly installed and ensure that it is the latest version. If you have already installed the latest version, you can try the following solutions:
1. Check the system tray: In Windows, sometimes the Photoshop icon may not be displayed in the system tray. You can set the system tray by right clicking the taskbar and selecting "Customize" from the pop-up menu.
2. Check the program list: If you are using Windows 10 operating system, right-click on the taskbar, select "Search", and then enter "Photoshop" in the search box to check whether the program icon can be found.
3. Find the location of the program in the control panel: Open the control panel, find Photoshop (or Adobe Photoshop) in the program options, and then click Open to determine whether the program is correctly installed and available.
If the above methods do not solve the problem, we recommend that you contact Adobe's official customer service for help or try reinstalling Photoshop software. I hope it is helpful to you!
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It is a simplified green version, and its registration method is different from the full version..
You can go to the unzipped installation directory, find the open icon, and right click to send it to the desktop as an open shortcut..
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Green version, right? Is there a path displayed during installation? If it is installed by default, in the C: Program Files Adobe folder
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Just install a shortcut program in the beginning
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Green version, right? Is there a path displayed during installation? If it is installed by default, in the C: Program FilesAdobe folder
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ZOL Q&A > cabinet > system > Mobile phone installation > Why doesn't the PS in my computer display icons on the interface and on the control panel after it is installed, but the program can't be found

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