How to cancel side-by-side comparison of excel documents

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How to cancel side-by-side comparison of excel documents
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To cancel the side-by-side comparison of Excel documents, follow these steps:
1. Open the Excel document you want to cancel side-by-side comparison.
2. In this document, click the "Start" tab and select "Conditional Format" in the "Format" group.
3. In the pop-up dialog box, select Use formula to determine which cells to format, and then click OK.
4. In the next dialog box, enter "" in the "Format Value" text box, and then click the "OK" button.
Through the above operations, you can successfully cancel the side-by-side comparison function of this Excel document.
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The person who did it was upset because he was useless. Today I will teach you how to solve this annoying problem through a few simple steps. Many people may encounter this problem when they use Excel again. Every time an Excel document is opened, a personal workbook will automatically pop up, and after the desktop shortcut is opened, it will always be displayed as a personal workbook. If you click Save without prompting where to save, you can directly save the shortcut as the currently created form. This way, every time you open the shortcut, Always the document that was previously automatically saved to the shortcut. 1. When we open an Excel file, we will follow the opening of an Excel file. When we open an Excel file, we will follow the opening of a PERSONAL XLS file 2. The annoying file has been opened. Don't worry. Now click the Excel file we opened ourselves and select View. 3. There is a "Hide" option under the "View" menu. This option is the "Hide Window" option. We click it. 4. After clicking Hide, you will find it strange that the file is missing, instead, it jumps to PERSONAL XLS files. Don't worry. At this time, click the upper right corner to close PERSONAL XLS documents will do. 5. After clicking, two windows will pop up. The first window prompts you whether to save PERSONAL For XLS files. Just click "Don't Save", so you won't make any changes to your file. 6. The second window prompts you whether you need to save the file you have opened after making changes. It is also good to click "Don't Save", so that you won't make any changes to your file. After clicking Save, the file will be closed. When the file is opened, PERSONAL The XLS file will not be opened following. 7. The file is opened again, and the contents have not been changed. Note: When closing a file, you will be prompted whether to save it. Click "Do not save". The location of the options may vary depending on the individual trial version, but you can look for them carefully. This is the way.
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Sometimes we want to cancel the password of a person's document, but we can't find the location. What should we do?

Step 1: Open the document, enter the password you set at that time, and then click OK to enter the document

Step 2: click the top left corner of the excel table

Step 3: Select "Preparation" - "Document Encryption"

Step 4: Delete the password (clear the original password).

Step 5: Confirm to save the document. The next time you enter the document, you will enter it directly without entering the password
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When you exit abnormally, the software will automatically keep it, so as to prevent you from losing many entries
If you have edited and saved, you can delete all items in the recovery column
Follow up question: If you cannot delete a new file and do not open it, it will appear in the document recovery? What a worry!
Follow up question: If you cannot delete a new file and do not open it, it will appear in the document recovery? What a worry!
Follow up: Why not uninstall and reinstall Office? This is a bit out of the way. Normally, most of the files to be recovered will be displayed. It seems that every time you exit, there is a problem. Another way is to close the file first and then exit to see if it has been added
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Check whether your printer subsystem (printer, printer ink, printer driver, print cable, USB components, etc.) has problems..
Your printing is abnormal, and the OFFICE related components are locked, so it cannot be used normally... It should be able to recover after shutdown, but it will reappear if the printing fault is not eliminated...
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The virtual printer can solve the problem.

The system itself has many printer programs, so you can install one at random.
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Open control panel - management tools - services - find print
Stop the spooler service, turn off the printer, and finally turn on the service! ok!
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Dazai has created two Excel documents with Office 2010 and will prompt to update the link after setting the link between tables. How can I cancel the update link prompt for Office 2010 Excel documents? In fact, the method is very simple. Just find the prompt of editing connection cancellation in the data. Let's take a look at it together with the editor.
Prompt method for canceling updating link of office2010 Excel document:
Create two office2010 Excel documents and set links between tables, as shown in the figure:

After saving, when you reopen the document, you will be prompted whether to update the link, as shown in the figure:

We click the "Data" button above the document to open the "Data" menu, as shown in the figure:

Click the "Edit Link" button in the "Data" menu to open the edit link dialog box, as shown in the figure:

#Tips on how to cancel updating links for office2010 Excel documents 2#_
In the edit link dialog box, click the "Startup Prompt" button to open the startup prompt interface, as shown in the figure:

In the startup prompt interface, select Don't Display Warnings, and then click OK to save. Next time you open the document, you will not be prompted to update the link, as shown in the figure:

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ZOL Q&A > How to cancel side-by-side comparison of excel documents


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