The printer shared by the win7 system should be added every time

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The printer shared by the win7 system should be added every time
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Is the password added to other computer systems connected to the printer
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After the printer is set to share, it can be used directly on other computers without adding an IP address.
Computer 1: Installed printer and set sharing
PC 2: Use PC 1's printer
Then open any folder (or "My Computer") on PC 2, enter the IP address of PC 1 in the top input field,
The shared printer can be displayed directly. Double click the shared printer to install it before use.
If the computer 1 has set a password, the user name and password input dialog box will pop up after entering the address of computer 1, and the user name and password of computer 1 can be entered directly.
For reference only, you can try!
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Are you going to share it with others or use others?
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Check whether the service is enabled. My service does not need to be shared. I disable it, but yours needs to be enabled and run
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Open guest users and access from GUEST users
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The IP address of the host connected to the printer has changed, just fill in the IP address manually
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ZOL Q&A > printer > Other classifications > The printer shared by the win7 system should be added every time


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