Why does it become black and white when you drag one picture to another in ps. The original color is gone.

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Why does it become black and white when you drag one picture to another in ps. The original color is gone.
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According to your description, the image you created earlier appears to have a gray background. This may be caused by selecting the default gray background when creating an image, or by some operations on the image during editing. First, we need to confirm whether the default gray background is selected. You can check whether there are relevant options on the menu bar or toolbar to change the background color. If these methods have been tried but the problem still exists, further inspection and adjustment may be required.
In addition, when it comes to color images being converted to black and white, the common reasons include the following:
1. Color scale adjustment: In some cases, you may use the "Adjust Layer" function to adjust the brightness, contrast, saturation and other parameters of the picture, and convert them to black and white effects.
2. Brightness/contrast adjustment: dim or highlight the picture by increasing or decreasing the brightness and contrast levels.
3. Apply the filter effect: use a specific type of filter effect (such as black and white filter) to convert the picture to black and white style.
4. Save in the specified format: Select to save the picture in grayscale or black and white format to save it as a specific tone.
To sum up, when dealing with digital problems, we need to consider a variety of factors and take different solutions according to the specific situation. If the above suggestions cannot solve the problem, we suggest you consult a professional 3C electronic product maintenance technician for help.
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First copy the layer of the picture you want to drag, and then use the move tool to drag it to another picture.
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This is simple. Just transfer it back. Image -- mode -- select RGB.
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If there is a problem with your operation, don't press the wrong key
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ZOL Q&A > Why does it become black and white when you drag one picture to another in ps. The original color is gone.

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