After typesetting with PS, it is saved as PDF, but the font can not meet the definition requirement T T (it has been vectorized). Why?

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After typesetting with PS, it is saved as PDF, but the font can not meet the definition requirement T T (it has been vectorized). Why?
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According to your description, I understand that you are asking about the vector map and resolution in PS. The following is my professional rewriting:
In Photoshop, there is no "vector" option. Correctly speaking, vector graphics refer to the format of images represented by paths and geometric shapes, rather than pixelated images.
Resolution independent. Resolution refers to the number of pixels on the screen and is important for pixel images. For vector images, the definition is not directly related to the resolution.
Note the following points about pixels and resolution:
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It is recommended to increase the resolution.
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ZOL Q&A > cabinet > Other classifications > After typesetting with PS, it is saved as PDF, but the font can not meet the definition requirement T T (it has been vectorized). Why?

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