How to automatically convert uppercase to lowercase in excel documents

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How to automatically convert uppercase to lowercase in excel documents
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In Excel, you can convert uppercase to lowercase by pressing Ctrl+Shift+L. This shortcut key can be used not only in Excel, but also in other word processing software based on Windows operating system. In addition, if you want to convert the whole table or the whole document to lowercase, you can use the "Change Font" function under the "Format" tab and check "Apply this format to the selection". In addition, you can also choose whether to be case sensitive when entering, so that you can directly enter lower case or upper case when entering table content.
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Edit cell with formula:

=LOWER (A1) can be implemented.
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If lower case is converted to upper case, use the formula=UPPER();
If upper case is converted to lower case, use the formula=LOWER ();
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The operation method of changing uppercase to lowercase in excel cells is as follows, taking numbers as an example:
1. First select the corresponding cell range;
2. Next, right click the mouse and click "Set Cell Format" - "Number";
3. Then click "Special" - "Chinese lower case numbers";

4. Finally, click "OK".
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ZOL Q&A > How to automatically convert uppercase to lowercase in excel documents


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