At PS. When CS6 uses action and batch processing, it will appear that what object layer is currently unavailable, which is why it is not possible to unlock the background layer

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At PS. When CS6 uses action and batch processing, it will appear that what object layer is currently unavailable, which is why it is not possible to unlock the background layer
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The best way to solve this problem is to re record the action. If modifying an already recorded action causes the error "Object layer background is currently unavailable", you need to delete one of the actions and re record the entire action. In the process of execution, it is recommended to check "Overwrite Open" and "Overwrite Save" because there are open and save operations.
Re recording ensures that actions are generated with the latest code and settings, avoiding any errors or unavailability issues. In addition, before re recording, make sure you have backed up the original animation file to prevent data loss or other unexpected situations.
To solve this problem and successfully execute the entire animation process, it is recommended that you follow the steps below:
1. Open Adobe Photoshop software and open the previously recorded animation file.
2. Find the "Action" option on the toolbar and click to enter this option.
3. Select "Edit Action" in the pop-up window.
4. Select "Delete" in the drop-down menu, and then select the action or layer to delete.
5. Click "OK" to save the changes and close the window.
6. Repeat steps 2-5 to delete other actions or layers that need to be modified.
7. Click "Edit Action" again, and then select "Record" button to re record the entire animation process.
8. Check "Overwrite Open" and "Overwrite Save" in the pop-up window to ensure that no settings or codes will be lost during execution.
9. Click "OK" to start recording the animation again and wait for the animation to complete.
By following the above steps to re record the action, you can successfully solve the problem of "object layer background is currently unavailable" and ensure the correct execution of the entire animation process. Remember to back up the original file before making any modifications to prevent unexpected situations.
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Check the eyes in front of the layer to see if they accidentally hide a layer.
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Check whether you have selected something in the box. Try ctrl+D
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ZOL Q&A > Power Supply > Unlock > Phone unlocking > At PS. When CS6 uses action and batch processing, it will appear that what object layer is currently unavailable, which is why it is not possible to unlock the background layer

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