Operation method in Excel to make the first row not participate in sorting

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Operation method in Excel to make the first row not participate in sorting
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If you want the first row in Excel not to participate in sorting, you can take the following methods:
1. Use the user-defined sorting function. In the sorting dialog box, select the "Custom sorting" tab, check "Ignore column headings" in the "Advanced" option, and sort as required.
2. Use VBA script. First, open the VBA editor, insert an array to store the data to be sorted, use "For Each" to loop through the entire array for sorting, and finally put the first row of data back in place.
3. Use the PivotTable tool. When you create a PivotTable to summarize and analyze data, you can specify which columns to display or hide, so that the first row does not participate in sorting.
4. Use PivotTable. When putting the data to be analyzed into a PivotTable report, you can set filters to control which rows are displayed, so that the first row does not participate in sorting.
The above are several common operation methods that make the first row in Excel not participate in sorting. You can select the method that is suitable for you according to the specific situation.
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1. Select the column to sort
2. Data - sorting (ascending or descending)
3. Select "Expand Formulation Area" in the pop-up window and click Sort
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Method 1:
Select this line, as shown:

Point data -- sort, as shown in the following figure:

Point sorting, as shown in the following figure:

Click the drop-down button of the main key box, select "Line 5", then click the drop-down button of the order box, select descending order, and confirm.

Method 2:
1. Select all contents, including row names and column names, as shown in the figure:

2. Copy,
3. Open a new form, right-click, Paste Special, Transpose, and the result is:

4. Select a column, such as the fourth column, and click "Data" - Sort - Descending. The result is:

5. Select all, copy, right-click, paste and transpose. result:

This is the result you want.
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When you often use Excel tables to sort, sometimes the first row also participates in sorting, which is what we do not want. How to deal with it? Today, I will teach you how to operate in Excel so that the first row does not participate in sorting.
In Excel, the operation steps to make the first row not participate in sorting are as follows: 1. First, let's look at the following example. Of course, the most encountered is the number. Let's take the number as an example.
2. If it is natural to click sorting, the following situations will occur. The first row (title bar) also participates in sorting.
3. The solution is to select the first row and hide it, so as to avoid the first row from participating in sorting.
4. Then, select the first row and unhide it to restore the first row. See the bottom reference: How to hide and unhide rows in Excel
5. Look at the sorted renderings. The first row does not participate in sorting.
How to exclude the first row from sorting method 2 in Excel:
The second method is to select the target cell, right click, select Set Cell Format, and then select the text under the number column, and then sort to achieve the effect.
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ZOL Q&A > Operation method in Excel to make the first row not participate in sorting


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