How many pages are there in the excel form

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How many pages are there in the excel form
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How many pages are there in total when printing excel table contents?

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In Excel, if you need to view the total number of pages of the entire worksheet, you can use the following methods:
1. Open the workbook containing the Excel file.
2. Find the scroll bar at the bottom in the browser view.
3. Click the link "Page Setup" above the scroll bar.
4. In the pop-up dialog box, select the "Page Size" tab and confirm that the paper size used is consistent with the actual use.
5. In the "Pages" area below, you will see how many pages are included in the Excel file.
Note: The above method is applicable when the entire worksheet is displayed on the screen. If only part of the sheet is displayed, make sure to scroll down to see all the pages.
In addition, if you want to quickly access a specific page in Excel, you can use the shortcut key Ctrl+left mouse button to click the small box next to the top address bar to switch to a specific page. At the same time, when printing a document, the total number of printed pages will be determined according to the paper size and page settings.
I hope the above content will help you!
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I have no problem. I guess it's your resolution problem. You can adjust it yourself, or click "Back" on the top right, or click: File - Options - Customize the Ribbon - Print Preview - All Tabs - Close (turn the close to the front) - OK.
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ZOL Q&A > How many pages are there in the excel form


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