Hello, I want to ask about how to calculate x in excel when the function and Y are known

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Hello, I want to ask about how to calculate x in excel when the function and Y are known
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From a known function, the value of x can be expressed as the logarithm of y multiplied by a constant. In Excel, you can use the EXP function to calculate this constant. Specifically, if the known function is f (x)=x ^ 2+2x+1, you can use Excel LOG function to calculate the value of x. For example, enter "y=3" in A1, "=LOG (3)+0.57" in B1, and then drag the formula to the desired cell to get the result.
For other types of functions, similar methods can be used for conversion and solution. For example, enter "y=2.5" in A1, "=LOG (2.5)+0.57" in B1, and then drag the formula to the desired cell to get the result.
It should be noted that the input should be correct during conversion, and special attention should be paid to whether the parameters and variable names are consistent with the original ones. In addition, when using Excel for numerical calculation, attention should be paid to the accuracy and avoid NaN (non numerical) results and other errors.
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Assuming the X value is in column A,
Enter or copy and paste this formula in B1
Drop Down Fill
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A1=value of Y
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Find the inverse function, but not all functions have the inverse function
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A1=value of Y
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Right click the built graph point - add a trend line, then find another display formula in the trend line format, and you can calculate the Y value of the known X according to the formula
There is a formula for the constants in it, which is just a trouble. I can make one for you if necessary. At present, I only know about the primary function and the quadratic function
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Assume that the value of y is at A1
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Enter the known y value in A1 cell and=log (a1,1.4148) in B1 cell
The value of x will be calculated in cell B1

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ZOL Q&A > Hello, I want to ask about how to calculate x in excel when the function and Y are known


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