What should I do if the wpsppt link file is unavailable?

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What should I do if the wpsppt link file is unavailable?
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When you try to open a linked file in WPS PPT, if the error message "File Unavailable" appears, it may be caused by a variety of reasons. First, the file to which the link points may have been deleted or moved. Secondly, the file pointed to by the link may not be saved correctly or uploaded to the cloud storage service (such as OneDrive or Google Drive). In addition, the link itself may have errors or corruption.
To solve this problem, you can take one of the following methods:
1. Check whether the file pointed to by the link is available: first check the location of the file and ensure that it has not been deleted or moved to another place.
2. Check whether the linked file is normal: If the link is created in the cloud storage service, please ensure that the file has been saved or uploaded correctly.
3. Recreate the link file: If the problem is found in the link itself, you can try to recreate a new link file and use it to open the target file.
I hope the above suggestions can help you solve the problem. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask me.
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When the wps demo edits data, it prompts that the link file is unavailable because of a setting error. The solution is as follows:
1. When editing data, a prompt "The linked file is unavailable" will pop up.

2. Edit the link to the file in the file tab to change the source file Select the source file and click "Open" (re-establish).

3. Use the PPT default chart format (the color of the chart curve in the following figure is different from that in Excel), and embed the chart and data at the same time.

4. Select the second pasting option: completely retain the chart format in Excel, and embed the chart and data at the same time.

5. When choosing to edit data, we can directly edit data in Excel embedded in PPT and update it to the chart in PPT.
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Open the file with the built-in ppt of Windows, menu -- prepare -- link
Generally, because the location of the file has been changed, you can reselect the source file.
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ZOL Q&A > What should I do if the wpsppt link file is unavailable?


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