How to handle if the EXCEL conditional format is gray?

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How to handle if the EXCEL conditional format is gray?
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If the Excel conditional format cannot be selected, it may be caused by setting errors or software version problems. The solution can be to adjust the settings or update the software version. If the problem still cannot be solved, it is recommended to try restarting the computer and re opening the Excel software. If the problem still exists, you can consider uninstalling and reinstalling the Excel software to solve it. At the same time, when using Excel, pay attention to the safety of data to avoid data loss or damage.
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It's very simple. Click the format, click the cell, and then click the pattern in the upper column. Select grey and confirm
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Click the Select All button (the gray box on the left side of column A above line number 1) to select the entire worksheet. Click Cells on the Format menu, click the Protection tab, and then clear the Lock check box. This unlocks all cells in the worksheet. Note If the Cell command is not available, parts of the worksheet are locked. On the Tools menu, point to Protect, and then click Unprotect Sheet. Select only the cells you want to lock, and then repeat step 2, but this time you need to select the Lock check box. On the Tools menu, point to Protection, click Protect Sheet, and then click OK.
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