In Excel, after judging that the two conditions are met, return the values that meet the two conditions?

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In Excel, after judging that the two conditions are met, return the values that meet the two conditions?
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In EXCEL, how to determine that the two conditions are met, and then return the values that meet the two conditions?

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In Excel, you can use the IF function to judge multiple conditions and return corresponding values. Specifically, you can use the AND function to meet multiple conditions at the same time, and then use the IF function to return different values according to the results.
Here is an example formula:
=IF (AND (condition 1, condition 2), the value you want to return, "")
In this example, "the value you want to return" refers to the specific value that needs to be returned after judging according to multiple conditions. For example, entering "50" in "Value you want to return" means returning 50 if all conditions are met.
When multiple conditions are met at the same time, the AND function can be used. For the two conditions shown in the example, you can set them as follows:
1. Enter "=AND (Condition 1, Condition 2)" in a cell, where "Condition 1" and "Condition 2" respectively represent the specific content to be met at the same time.
2. Click the cell with the mouse and select "Review - Team tab - Constraints - Equivalent to the following conditions..." in the pop-up menu.
After this setting, a check box will appear next to the cell, and you can check other conditions that need to be met.
Finally, use "=IF (AND (Condition 1, Condition 2), the value you want to return," ")" in other cells to set the results. Please replace the "value you want to return" with the specific value that needs to be returned based on multiple conditions.
In this way, you can return specific values after judging according to multiple conditions. I hope it is helpful to you.
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If the figure above is sheet1, the figure below is sheet2

First, add an auxiliary column in sheet 1, as shown in the figure

Enter the formula in d2:


Drop down and hide column d after getting data

Then enter the formula in b2 of sheet 2:


Pull down right and down, and the results are as follows:

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An auxiliary column E needs to be added, E1=A1&B1,...,E4=A4&B4, be
D1=INDEX (C1: C4, MATCH (Beijing cabbage, E1: E4,0))
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Array formula. You need to press CTRL SHIFT at the same time
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Array function Ctrl+shift+enter
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ZOL Q&A > In Excel, after judging that the two conditions are met, return the values that meet the two conditions?


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