Why did I open WPS when I installed the font format and put it in the correct position

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Why did I open WPS when I installed the font format and put it in the correct position
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WPS may have this problem for many reasons. First, you can try reinstalling the WPS software to ensure that the installer is not damaged or missing. Secondly, you can also try to update WPS to the latest version to fix known software vulnerabilities and compatibility problems. If these methods do not work, you can consider uninstalling and reinstalling the Windows operating system, and try to use WPS again after reinstalling.
In addition, when using WPS, please ensure that you have correctly set the font format, font size and other settings. If the problem still cannot be solved, it is recommended to contact the WPS technical support team for further help and guidance.
Please note that before making any changes, be sure to back up important files to prevent data loss. I hope the above information will help you!
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You can find the font you need in FONTS and open it to see its other names

Then check the WPS for a font with this name
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Do you have 84 Chinese fonts installed? Is there only 48 Chinese fonts displayed in WPS?
Or your font is only valid for English. Find the same name in the English font. Try it. It is only valid for English fonts.

This is not a problem with WPS software. If you try other office software, there should only be 48 Chinese fonts.
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I also encountered the same problem. I used the WPS2007 Personal Edition. After installing the font, I could not find the installed font in the WPS interface, but I had no problem using Word, which is now installed and used
In fact, it is very simple to solve this problem. After fixing the font, first save and close the current wps document, and then open it again to display the safe font, which I have tried!
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ZOL Q&A > Why did I open WPS when I installed the font format and put it in the correct position


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