Why does the number in the eccel table always display decimal? For example, if you enter 3, nine will become 0.003??

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Why does the number in the eccel table always display decimal? For example, if you enter 3, nine will become 0.003??
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In Excel, when the number input is too small or too large, the system will automatically round it. This processing method is determined according to the internal agreement of the computer system. Different languages and operating systems may have some differences.
If you find that a number is displayed as a decimal after entering it, it is likely that the number has exceeded the allowed range. For example, when you enter a very large year, month or day in the date and time function, the system will convert them to six digits with two decimal places.
To solve this problem, you can try to adjust the number format settings of the Excel worksheet. To do this, select the cell to adjust the format, click Data Tools on the Data tab, and select Data Format in the pop-up menu. Then, select the appropriate number format in the pop-up dialog box.
In addition, if you want to precisely control the display format of a column of data (including the number of decimal places), you can also use formulas to achieve it. For example, enter the following formula in cell A1:
Then hover the mouse over the formula and click the right button, and select "Format Value" in the pop-up menu.
I hope the above content can help you!
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Right click the setting cell and select number customization

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The check mark before the decimal point position is automatically set by the tool option editor has been removed
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Tools - Options - Edit Automatically Set Decimal Point
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Right click the area you want to set to set the cell format - number - general and numeric
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ZOL Q&A > Why does the number in the eccel table always display decimal? For example, if you enter 3, nine will become 0.003??


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