How does the successor of Tristan in the Adventure Island do this task?

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How does the successor of Tristan in the Adventure Island do this task?
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Introduction: Adventure Island is a Korean online game. Players can choose different characters to come to the adventure world to carry out various tasks and adventures. In this game, players can experience unique game content and interesting playing methods.
Task introduction: There is a task called "Successor of Tristan" in the Adventure Island. Players need to complete this task to get special rewards. The task requires players to find and defeat a monster named "Tristan", which is located at a specific location on the game map. Players need to carry specific props to defeat Tristan successfully.
Task introduction: To successfully complete the task of "Tristan's successor", players need to carefully observe the game map and look for clues hidden in it. In the process of finding clues, players may encounter other monsters and dangers, and need to use their own skills and props to deal with them.
Reward introduction: After the task of "Successor of Tristan" is completed, players will get a special prop for various adventures and challenges in the game world. This item has special attributes, which can help players complete tasks and challenges better.
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Go to the forest to pick up the paper ball
Then go to the Warrior to find McGee and enter the map of the Bat Monster BOSS
Go in and find Wu Ying and Wu Ying after the conversation
The system will send you to another map
Kill a bat monster there (the bat monster there is very weak)
Then after talking to Tristan, get out on the left
Then continue to the left, there will be two transmission points
Go to find Tristan and pick up Tristan's successor from the transmission point above
Mission requirements: defeat the giant bat monster BOSS 200 times
It is suggested to find more marks and mark them with the priest
Because in the giant bat monster map, everyone can't use 3 or 4 turn skills
And the attack will be reduced to level 50
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See Adventure Island Introduction on 766 Game Network
It's OK to play the full strategy of Adventure Island in Baidu
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Warrior Tribe spends 10000 mxb from NPC Maggi (upper left of Warrior Tribe) to enter the Bat Devil Battlefield.
Go inside to the far left. There are 2 holes. In the hole above
You need to do a task before you can enter.
The task is to have a small note npc on the ant hole ground
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ZOL Q&A > How does the successor of Tristan in the Adventure Island do this task?


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