Radiation 4. Where should I build the bell? What should I do after summoning villagers

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Radiation 4. Where should I build the bell? What should I do after summoning villagers
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In Radiation 4, if the player wants to gather the villagers in the camp, he needs to build a collection bell. However, many players still do not know how to build the bell, whether to buy or make it. Here, I will explain in detail in the form of pictures and texts.
First of all, in the game, the name of this prop has only one word "bell", and it is located in the column "Resources - Other". No wonder many players can't find it.
It takes 4 pieces of wood and 2 pieces of steel to build the bell, which are relatively easy to obtain. Wood can be obtained from trees, stumps and other places; And steel can be obtained from waste cars, houses and other places.
When all the materials are ready, place the bell on the roadside and press the E key to ring it. After a while, the villagers will come from all directions.
Some people may ask how to dismiss the villagers after summoning them. In fact, you don't need to pay attention to this problem, because it is not your management. Just wait for a while, during which time they will continue to perform their tasks.
That's all about building and summoning villagers. If you have more concerns about Radiation 4, please continue to pay attention to our game zone.
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Where can I buy radiation 4 bells? How can I build radiation 4 bells. After players build their own strongholds in Radiation 4, they can build a bell to gather residents, but many players don't know how to build the bell. The following 99 SingleNet series will bring you the construction method of Radiation 4 Lingli Lu Chenglin's stop dosing reagent bell. Let's have a look.

In fact, in the workshop, the name of this prop only has the word "bell", and it is in the column of "resources other". No wonder many players can't find it.

It needs 4 pieces of wood and 2 pieces of steel to build the bell, which is easy to obtain. Wood is used to demolish trees and stumps, and steel is used to demolish old cars and houses.

After the bell is built, press E to ring the bell, and soon the residents come from all directions.

Then some players have to ask how to disband the residents? In fact, it's very simple. You can ignore them and they will leave by themselves.
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Gathering bell will not call for dog meat, but will call for all people in the settlement (including synthetic human hunter X6-88, ghost mayor Hancock of Fanglin Town and super mutant Zhuang Zhuang), but it is also very simple to quickly find dog meat in a settlement, that is, to make a kennel on the ground. When it is ready, as long as the dog meat is in the settlement, Then it will run into the kennel and lie down on its own (I won't tell you that dog meat sticks out its tongue and lies down in the kennel in a cute way=w=).

Dog kennel is a repeatable construction option in the workshop mode, which is located in the "Decoration → Other" tab.

About the Brahmans running about in the settlement:
One to four double headed cattle "Brahmans" will appear randomly in the settlement (the function is to give some Brahmans meat to make rib eye meat chops after death and produce fertilizer when alive. The fertilizer produced can be collected in the workshop. Fertilizer is a necessity for Jett). This thing, like dog meat without a nest, will wander around and affect your infrastructure and other things, So how to gather Brahmans or at least keep them in a small area? The answer is to find the repeatable construction option of "Brahman feed trough" that looks like a bathtub in the "Resources → Others" page of the workshop mode (seriously doubt that this product is a bathtub transformed==), and then put it anywhere. After completion, Brahman will automatically run to the feed trough and will not run around in a large range.
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The villagers summoned by the bell will become your farm workers or provide other help. If you find that they are scattered or unwilling to stay in the designated place, you can try to adjust their task allocation, improve their goodwill (such as giving food and materials), or adjust the village environment to make them more comfortable. Sometimes it needs patient management and guidance to stabilize them
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In Radiation 4, the bell can usually be found in the farmhouse or ruins area at the beginning of the game, and the specific location may be different due to different randomly generated worlds. Once you find it, the construction method is to select the tool category on the workbench, and then you will see an icon similar to a small house, that is, the bell. After construction, place it near the village or where there are villagers to summon them
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ZOL Q&A > Radiation 4. Where should I build the bell? What should I do after summoning villagers

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