How to unload the things in the backpack in QQ free fantasy game? They are too heavy to move

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How to unload the things in the backpack in QQ free fantasy game? They are too heavy to move
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I have the following suggestions for this problem:

First, consider using some tools to help unload the items in your backpack. For example, in the QQ free fantasy game, you can use the shortcut keys Ctrl+Shift+E to open the backpack interface, and use the corresponding options to unload items.

Secondly, pay attention to some details when unloading items. For example, if you want to unload some valuable equipment or props, you should first ensure that you have enough gold coins or yuan to trade or sell; In addition, attention should be paid to the quality and rarity of items during unloading to avoid unnecessary losses caused by misoperation.

Finally, if the above methods are invalid or encounter other problems, it is recommended to try to contact the game customer service or seek professional help. They will give more detailed guidance and solutions.
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You can only lose it. You can choose two for your own use. Others are sold to others
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Khan, only trials, guards and rewards can be worth living. About 46 mines a day are expensive,,,
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Click a piece of equipment and move it to the ground.
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ZOL Q&A > keyboard > PC online games > > How to unload the things in the backpack in QQ free fantasy game? They are too heavy to move

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