Where can I find the vivo mobile phone developer options?

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Where can I find the vivo mobile phone developer options?
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The location of the vivo mobile developer options can be viewed as follows:
Tools/raw materials: vivos 15, Originos 3.0
1. Click System Management In the setting page of vivo mobile phone, select [System Management] and click.

2. Click About Mobile Phone to open a new page, find the [About Mobile Phone] column and click.

3. After clicking the version information jump interface, find the version information on the page and click.

4. Click the software version number to switch to the version information page, click [Software Version Number] in the screen continuously, and click four times to successfully open the developer mode.

5. Click System Management On the vivo setting page, find and click System Management again.

6. Open the system management page by finding the developer option, slide the page to the bottom, and you can find the Developer Option at the bottom of the page.
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1. On the standby page, click [Application].
2. Click [Set].
3. Click [General], then slide up the screen and select [About Device].

4. After clicking [Internal Version No.] for 7 consecutive times, you will be prompted "Developer Mode Enabled".

5. Click the [] icon to see the [Developer Options].
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You can set it in Settings>More Settings>Application>Development.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Thank you very much for your support to our vivo, and wish you a happy life!
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It is recommended not to enter the developer options at will. If a wrong operation is carried out, it may lead to abnormalities in the mobile phone system, and may also lead to hardware damage.
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Click the system version number several times to open the developer mode

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