After the laptop is disassembled and cleaned, the keyboard fails about 10 minutes after startup, and the external mouse sometimes fails

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After the laptop is disassembled and cleaned, the keyboard fails about 10 minutes after startup, and the external mouse sometimes fails
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After the laptop was disassembled and cleaned, the keyboard failed about 10 minutes after startup, and the external mouse also occasionally failed. The power off button is always on after failure. Check the driver, it's good! I want to ask what caused this problem!

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When reassembling the keyboard, pay attention to ensure that the keyboard ribbon cable is not in poor contact. If the USB interface fails, you can try to check whether there is a problem with the USB interface, and consider replacing the USB interface to solve the problem.
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Brother, your problem is that after disassembling the computer, you find that the computer will automatically restart after it is turned off, and you also find that the power on key of the computer does not work.
To sum up these problems, it should be that you failed to connect the power on button or install the button successfully after disassembling the machine.
It is recommended that you reinstall the power on line and power on button after you remove the computer. If you need to repair it outside, you can directly go to the dealer to repair it for you.
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I'm afraid it's not you who broke the circuit. Think about whether you got some water into it or something violent happened.

As a result, you'd better go outside to repair the computer.

It only represents personal views. Do not spray if you don't like it. Thank you.
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > system > Phone power on > After the laptop is disassembled and cleaned, the keyboard fails about 10 minutes after startup, and the external mouse sometimes fails


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