Why is the screen of Warcraft 3C small map black?

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Why is the screen of Warcraft 3C small map black?
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Once the system was installed, it was good. After a while, it was gone Not ALT+T Expert's advice It's not a problem to press the button next to the small map I tried And play for about 10 minutes and fall out One View All

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In general, there will be no problem during system reinstallation unless some unexpected circumstances occur. Of course, before reinstallation, it is recommended to back up important data and ensure that there is a reliable installation medium and correct operating procedures. In addition, it is necessary to select the correct installation package version and follow the prompts during reinstallation to avoid unnecessary troubles and risks. If you encounter any problems or doubts, it is recommended to consult professional technicians or contact the manufacturer's customer service for help.
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It may be caused by the mismatch between the Warcraft map and your program version. For example, the latest version of DOTA maps, if you use 1.20 to build maps, it should be what you said.
It is recommended that you upgrade Warcraft to at least version 1.24 and try again.
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Of course, the CPU temperature is too high, resulting in a crash
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Too hot

CPU operation speed will slow down
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Is the game version corresponding?
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ZOL Q&A > Sweeping robot > screen > Mobile phone black screen > Why is the screen of Warcraft 3C small map black?


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