The MKV format movie is in both Chinese and Cantonese. When it is played, it is in Mandarin by default. When it is played, it is in Cantonese by default (no

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The MKV format movie is in both Chinese and Cantonese. When it is played, it is in Mandarin by default. When it is played, it is in Cantonese by default (no
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To default to Cantonese when playing, you can follow the steps below: First, open the player application and select the file you want to play. Then, find the language setting in the playback setting options and change it to Cantonese. Finally, reconfirm your changes and start playing.

It should be noted that the specific operation steps may be slightly different in players of different brands. If you encounter any difficulties or uncertainties, please refer to the user manual of the player you are using or contact technical support for further guidance.

In addition to changing the language settings, you can also try other methods to adjust other audio and visual effects, such as sound effects and subtitles, for a better viewing experience. I hope the above information will help you!
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Try it with Huisheng Huiying. If not, I'm sorry. I can't help you
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Is it compressed into mono? Language switching is achieved by changing the audio channel. If the audio channel is compressed into mono, it will become mono If the compression is still dual channels, it depends on whether the playback software can switch channels. If so, you can switch languages
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Ninja Blade
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We are also looking for a solution to this problem. It's very annoying. We have subtitles to watch, but we still have to get a Mandarin translation. Is it not good to watch subtitles directly? It is necessary to reverse the most primitive language. If you change it to Mandarin, it will lose its original flavor
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Sorry, I can't help you, I don't know
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If your smart TV is Android, you can change the audio track. If it is not Android, please give up the struggle
With Android, the player that comes with your TV does not support changing audio tracks. You can also find a third-party player software that can change audio tracks to solve this problem.
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I'm also looking for solutions. I just started a SAMSUNG 46 inch LED TV. Now when I play high-definition movies through UBS, two problems are bothering me. One is the same default audio track as the owner, and the other is the subtitle problem. Embedded subtitles are still under exploration
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ZOL Q&A > camera > Other classifications > The MKV format movie is in both Chinese and Cantonese. When it is played, it is in Mandarin by default. When it is played, it is in Cantonese by default (no

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