Can I upgrade my Huawei p9plus to Android 10?

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Can I upgrade my Huawei p9plus to Android 10?
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The upgrade steps of Huawei P9 Plus are as follows:

1. Open your phone and click Phone Settings on the desktop.
2. In phone settings, slide down to the bottom and click System Options.
3. After entering the system interface, click the software update option.
4. In the software update interface, you can see the current system version. Click the check update button to check whether there are pushed system updates.
5. If there are pushed system updates, they can be upgraded. Select the appropriate upgrade version according to the matching between the model and the current system. Please note that the higher the version of the system, the better. The best choice is to ensure that the model matches the current system.

In addition, it should be emphasized that before upgrading, please ensure that your mobile phone has sufficient power and backup important data to prevent accidents.
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No, because any mobile phone will not be replaced without quality control.
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Don't listen to him. The Android 7.0 of Huawei's p9 can be manually applied to the member service. My p9 has been upgraded successfully. When installing the system package, the speed is very fast. Don't worry about the problem of the package. My p9 is 3g+32g. The 6.0 system has been used for less than half a year, and the memory is still 1.4g. Now that the upgrade is completed, it is basically kept at 2.0
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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > system > Mobile phone upgrade > Can I upgrade my Huawei p9plus to Android 10?


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