WeChat chat record migration always shows how to handle when not in the same network

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WeChat chat record migration always shows how to handle when not in the same network
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During record migration, WeChat may fail to log in at the same time. In this case, we can scan the code through the following steps:

1. Open the WeChat application and ensure that you have successfully logged in to your WeChat account.
2. Find the QR code to be scanned and place it in front of the phone camera.
3. Open the "Scan" function in the WeChat application and select the "Select pictures from album" option.
4. Find the QR code image you want to scan in the album and click Open.
5. WeChat application will automatically identify and try to parse the QR code. If the resolution is successful, it will jump to the corresponding page.

Please note that when scanning the code, it is necessary to ensure that the phone camera can clearly capture the QR code and the ambient light is appropriate. In addition, if the QR code is damaged or incomplete, it may fail to parse successfully. Therefore, please pay attention to the above problems when using WeChat to scan code.
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Although their wireless signal names are the same in the front, one is connected to a 2.4G wireless network and the other is connected to a 5G wireless network, so of course they cannot be considered the same network! Therefore, please connect one of the mobile phones to the other signal name, and make sure that the wireless signal name of the two mobile phones is exactly the same.
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Dear, 1. Enter to set privacy
2. Find the local network item and click it
3. Find WeChat and turn on the switch
4. In this way, you can switch to WeChat happily for backup. I hope my answer can help you. I wish you a happy life, please give me a favor, thank you! Abstract
The migration of WeChat chat records always shows complex network conditions? [Question]
Dear, 1. Enter to set privacy
2. Find the local network item and click it
3. Find WeChat and turn on the switch
4. In this way, you can switch to WeChat happily for backup. I hope my answer can help you. I wish you a happy life, please give me a favor, thank you! Answer
Dear, 1. Enter to set privacy
2. Find the local network item and click it
3. Find WeChat and turn on the switch
4. In this way, you can switch to WeChat happily for backup. I hope my answer can help you. I wish you a happy life, please give me a favor, thank you! Answer
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