WeChat chat records are always stuck at the end. Two Apple mobile phones were migrated. TSame network

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WeChat chat records are always stuck at the end. Two Apple mobile phones were migrated. TSame network
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For the delay of receiving messages on WeChat, QQ or Weibo, here are some suggestions:
1. Optimize the network environment: try to observe in other locations or time periods, which may be caused by the current weak network signal. You can try to connect to a more stable Wi Fi or mobile data network and ensure that there is no network congestion.
2. Reinstall the app: If the problem still exists, you can try to uninstall and reinstall WeChat, QQ or Weibo apps. This can help solve software related problems and ensure that you are using the latest version.
3. Clear cache and data: A large amount of cache and data accumulated on mobile phone applications may cause delay in receiving messages. You can find corresponding options in the settings to clean the applied cache and data. This will help restore application performance and reduce potential problems.
4. Check firewall settings: firewall settings sometimes prevent some applications from running normally or accessing network resources. You can check the firewall settings in the phone settings and ensure that relevant applications are allowed to access the Internet.
5. Contact the operator: If none of the above methods can solve the problem, it is recommended to contact your operator for consultation. They can help you troubleshoot problems that may be related to network providers, and provide further support and solutions.
To sum up, the above are some suggested measures to help you solve the problem of delay in receiving messages on WeChat, QQ or Weibo. If the problem still exists, please contact professional technicians for further troubleshooting and repair.
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Try several more times. If not, use other methods to solve the problem. However, it seems that the WeChat chat record can't be transmitted through Bluetooth if the folder is not found. Otherwise, you can back up the WeChat chat record first, and then restore it to the new mobile phone after it is backed up to the computer. I'll show you a screenshot. It's easier to use the synchronization assistant. How to migrate WeChat chat records? It is believed that many young friends have recently replaced the new iPhone 11. How can we transfer the WeChat chat records from the old phone to the new phone? Or how to restore the important chat records that some friends have deleted by mistake? In fact, both data transfer and data recovery can be solved with the right method.
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You can back up your chat records through the computer butler, or use WeChat PC version.
IOS chat record migration:
"I → Settings → General → Chat record migration"
Android chat record migration:
"I → Settings → Chat → Chat record backup and recovery"
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You can use the chat record migration and transfer function provided by WeChat.
1. Log in to Android WeChat. Click "I" in the lower right corner to enter my interface, and click "Settings" to enter the settings interface. In the "General" setting interface, find and click the "Chat Record Migration" option menu to enter the "Chat Record Migration" window.
2. In the "chat record migration" window, click the "Upload" button to upload the local chat record to the remote server for saving (note: the saving period is 7 days). Click the "Upload" button, and the WeChat program will automatically search all local chat records.
3. After the search is completed, find and select the user to be transferred from the list of chat records found.
Click "Upload" button in the pop-up "Upload" window. After uploading, you are ready to transfer chat records.
4. Log in to WeChat on Apple's mobile phone, and the WeChat should be the same as the previous one. Then enter the "chat record migration" window again, click the "Download" button, and wait patiently for the chat record to be downloaded to the iPhone (if there is more data, the download time may be longer).
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Message reception is delayed on WeChat, QQ or Weibo. We recommend that you:
1. Change to another location or observe the time period. It may be a network signal problem.
2. Switch data or try to access the Internet via wireless network.
3. Try to update WeChat, QQ or Weibo version.
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Mobile WeChat, QQ or microblog are delayed in receiving messages, and Jianmu Jue creates a good market for general practice and discusses you from the following aspects:
1. Change to another location or observe the time period. It may be a network signal problem.
2. Switch data or try to access the Internet via wireless network.
3. Try to update WeChat, QQ or Weibo version.
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ZOL Q&A > radio > Other classifications > WeChat chat records are always stuck at the end. Two Apple mobile phones were migrated. TSame network

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