Dell Lingyue 3268 changed from win7 to win10bios

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Dell Lingyue 3268 changed from win7 to win10bios
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How to modify the bios? It's urgent. Thank you

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To modify the BIOS settings of Dell Lingyue 3268, you can follow the steps below:

1. Turn off the computer and disconnect the power.
2. The method to find the BIOS setup interface may vary depending on the computer model. You can usually press a specific key (such as F2, F12, or ESC) to enter the BIOS setting interface during power on.
3. In the BIOS setting interface, search for options related to hardware and devices. These options may include memory, hard disk, graphics card, etc.
4. Under the corresponding options, adjust the parameters to meet your needs. For example, if you want to increase the memory capacity, you can increase the number or frequency of memory modules.
5. After saving the changes, exit the BIOS setting interface and restart the computer.

Please note that before modifying BIOS settings, make sure to back up important data and operate carefully to avoid accidental loss. In addition, different models of computers may have different BIOS interfaces and options, so the above steps are for reference only.
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1: The last item of bios turns off the other os
2: Boot turns uefi into another mode, the English poem Legacy
3: Convert the c disk partition and guid partition format of the hard disk to mbr, and use the software diskgen
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This is Dell authorized store
For new brand computers, whether Dell or Lenovo, the default is that the bios must be changed if you want to change win10 to win7
At present, the new Dell 3268 3667 3668 can be changed to win7, press F12 to enter BIOS, modify BIOS parameters, find Secure boot -- secure boot enable, and select Enable Legacy Option Roms
Find General ---- Advanced boot options and select Enable Legacy Option Roms
General ---- Boot seqwence Select Legacy to save and exit.
Restart and press F12 to select the USB disk to start the installation. You need to find an image with a USB 3.0 drive to use it normally.
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No, just install it directly
The following is the process of installing the U disk system. After all, the computer repair shop can install the system for 30-50 yuan at a time. It's better to buy a U disk directly, and then you can install the machine for free. And we are not afraid of any problems. One click installation can solve them.
Principle of Windows system installed on USB flash disk:
The USB stick is built with a PE system (micro windows system, only 29M), and then inserted into the computer. The USB stick is used to start the computer, and then used for the system. The main reason is that it is convenient and can be operated better. More importantly, it is not easy to have problems.
1. Prepare a USB flash disk, preferably a 2.0 interface (some computers have 3.0 interfaces, which may fail to install the system). It is recommended to use a USB flash disk of more than 8G, and back up the data of the USB flash disk!!!
2. Baidu searches "System 119" to download the pure version of pe. If your computer is unavailable, you can use your friend's computer;
3. Baidu searches "System 119" to download the pure version of WINXP, WIN 7 or WIN10 system image to the USB flash drive.
The following is the process of USB flash disk installation system:
1. Installing the system will clean all files on disk c, and backup important files on the computer. (The range of disk c: desktop, My Documents, etc.) The shortcut keys of laptops and desktops are different. At present, the boot hot key of the computer is F8-F12.
2. After confirming the shortcut keys of your computer, insert the USB flash disk and restart the computer before starting. After restarting, press the shortcut key quickly and repeatedly. If the startup is successful, an interface will pop up, select USB HDD, or the option with USB or HDD, and press the enter key.
3. Before entering PE, there are two situations: the computer will pop up a selection interface. If you are installing xp, select 2003pe and then press Enter to enter. For other Windows systems, please select win8pe (single core and multiple cores are acceptable)
4. After entering the desktop, select [General ghost tool] - select [Simple mode] - select [Restore system]
5. Click "Computer" to find the "President's U disk" in the category of removable storage devices, click in and select the system you just copied into the U disk.
6. Select disk "c" and click "Continue". At this point, wait for the progress to complete and restart the computer.
7. Unplug the USB flash disk and wait for the computer to complete automatic deployment. The duration is about 15-25 minutes. After restarting from the hard disk, enter the computer and start installing the system, such as configuring the start menu, registering components, etc
The whole installation process will take longer. Be patient.
matters needing attention:
1. Forced exit, power-off and restart are prohibited before the system is installed;
2. Back up the data of USB flash disk and computer before installation.
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ZOL Q&A > PC computer > other > Dell Lingyue 3268 changed from win7 to win10bios


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