What to do if the computer can't search for files

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What to do if the computer can't search for files
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When the computer cannot search for files, it may be caused by a variety of reasons. First, you can check whether the network connection is normal to ensure that the network connection is normal. Second, you can try to use other search engines or browsers to search to determine whether a particular search engine or browser has failed. You can also try restarting your computer and network devices to ensure that your system and network settings are correct. If the above methods are invalid, it is recommended to contact professional technicians for further diagnosis and repair.
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1、 Why the Win7 folder search function cannot be used
Phenomenon: Not only the folder search function is useless, but also the "Start Run" command is not working properly

Processing method: click "Control Panel - Programs - Programs and Functions - Turn Windows Functions On or Off - Check Windows search and index service"

2、 The win7 folder search function is suddenly unavailable

Phenomenon: Does the Win7 system have the function of searching items in folders! Previously, when you entered a keyword, you automatically went to the folder. I don't know why the search function can't be used for no reason!

Handling method:

1. Check whether the resource manager has searchindexer.exe

2. If not, open the superfetch service in the service

3. You should have disabled SearchIndexer, SearchFilterHost, SearchProtocolHost and other incorrect operations before!

3、 How to search folders in win7

Phenomenon: win7 I want to find a folder, how to search

How to do it: Open the "My Computer" or "My Documents" window, the search bar is on the top right corner, and you can choose your own search range!
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Re install the system with CD
Remove the disk d
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If we do not know the specific location of a file in the computer, we can search through the file search function in the computer system within a certain range. If you find that you cannot search for files on your computer, how can you repair them? You can refer to the following methods to solve this problem. 1. Open the folder "C: Windows inf", find the file "srchasst.inf", right-click and select "Install" (you may be prompted to insert the system installation disk); 2. Run regedit to open the registry, expand "HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Explorer CabinetState", create a new string "UseSearchAsst" under this key, and set its numerical data to "NO"; 3. Run CMD, enter and execute the following commands respectively: regsvr32jscript.dllregsvr32vbscript.dllregsvr32mshtml.dllregsvr32/ishdocvw.dll4. Create a new text document, enter or copy and paste the following content, and then save it as a bat file, Run directly after completion: cd/d% SystemRoot% System32regsvr32/u/smsxml3.dllregsvr32/smsxml3.dll If you find that the file search function on your computer is unavailable, you can refer to the above method to solve the problem.
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Open the search option under the search bar. The settings in it will help you
Turn on the indexing service, remove case sensitivity, and search for hidden folders. It will definitely work
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First, two links are given:
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb266520 (VS.85).aspx
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc144083 (VS.85).aspx

In Link 1:
The example given by MS is:
But I tried N times and failed.

Over the weekend, I found Link 2:
MS said:
1、 The search: protocol does not replace the proprietary search-ms: protocol. Applications can still use the search-ms: protocol to launch Window Search Explorer or to silently query the Windows Search indexer.

2、 Windows Vista with SP1 use of the search: protocol

Windows Vista with SP1 has several entry points from which it calls the search: protocol. These entry points are outlined below as well as the common syntax associated with each.

Search protocol entry point |  Location     | Query called
Search Everywhere   |  Start menu   | search:query= Search Term
Search Everywhere   |  Windows Explorer | search:query= Search Term&crumb=location: LOCATION
Windows logo key+F   |  Anywhere   | search:
CTRL+F           |  Windows Explorer | search:query= Search Term&crumb=location: LOCATION
F3           |  Start menu   | search:
F3           |  Windows Explorer | search:query= Search Term&crumb=location: LOCATION

The Windows Vista with SP1 search protocol entry points do not take advantage of all the possible parameters in the search protocol. Applications that are only concerned with handling search protocol calls from Windows Vista with SP1 can use the following table as a guide to the minimum they need to implement.

The above means that the command under vistaSP1 is the search: command (use WIN+R to call out the run box, and then enter the search: command to get the file search dialog box)
The first link I saw originally used the search ms: command, and some syntax of this command seems to be unavailable on my company's machine.

The current command is: search ms: query=. sln&thumb=location: C:\

Use ShellExecute (hWnd, NULL, Lsearch:query=*.sln&crumb=location:C:\\, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); I can realize my original idea.
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Format disk D again to see if it can be solved. First transfer the data to another disk.
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There are two ways: one is to find the dazzling startup file in the start menu (don't tell me where the start menu is)
Second, find the installation directory where your game is installed. When you install the game, find the disk on which you put it (if you didn't change the installation directory at the beginning, you will find it on disk c). If you can't find it, search on my computer, enter "qq" and find it!
Good luck!
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > other > What to do if the computer can't search for files


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