Why does dithering occupy more than 20 g's of storage space?

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Why does dithering occupy more than 20 g's of storage space?
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The reason why dithering occupies too much memory is that too many videos are cached.
Because every video will be cached, the cached data will cause too much memory.
You can choose to uninstall and then install it. When you log back to the original account, your favorite videos and followers will still be there.

Dithering is a music creative short video social software incubated by Toutiao today. The software was launched on September 20, 2016, and is a video community platform for all ages to adjust the position of the short silk master.
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If you want to clean the memory regularly, it will not occupy the memory!
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The memory of the phone is smaller because the stored and cached files are occupied. The phone software will generate a cache when it is used normally. It needs to be cleaned regularly. Photos and videos taken are directly saved in the phone, which occupies memory. The memory of the phone will only become smaller and smaller as the phone is used
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ZOL Q&A > Why does dithering occupy more than 20 g's of storage space?


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