My computer is a 1G integrated graphics card. Would you like to install a graphics card driver??

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My computer is a 1G integrated graphics card. Would you like to install a graphics card driver??
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If your computer is an integrated graphics card, you do not need to install a separate graphics card driver. The integrated graphics card integrates the display function on the motherboard, so there is no need to install additional drivers. If you want a better display, you can consider upgrading the motherboard or replacing a higher performance processor. In addition, if your computer is a separate graphics card, you need to install the corresponding driver to ensure normal operation.
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That's necessary! Otherwise, the video card will not work! This is still necessary!
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Your understanding of the video card is wrong. The video card is not based on the video memory. If you go to the computer city like this, a Qbit wide stream processor is the key. And whether the video memory is a ddr3 or a ddr5 d5 can be installed easily. But can your motherboard give full play to its performance
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It should be a laptop. If you just bought it, after decompressing the system, the drivers will be installed for you. If you don't have special needs, you don't need to install them. If you have reinstalled it yourself, go to the official notebook website to download your graphics card driver.
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > other > My computer is a 1G integrated graphics card. Would you like to install a graphics card driver??


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