There is no way to create bootable USB drive on the macbook. How to solve the problem of "there is not enough space on the disk"?

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There is no way to create bootable USB drive on the macbook. How to solve the problem of "there is not enough space on the disk"?
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There is 576M space left on the USB flash drive. If I put it in 250GMS-DOS (FAT) format, I will still be prompted that there is not enough space There is 576M space left on the USB flash drive. I put it in 250G MS-DOS (FAT) format, but I will still be prompted that it is not enough View All

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When installing Windows with Start Conversion Assistant on a Macbook, you may encounter the problems of "unable to create a bootable USB drive" and "not enough free space on the disk". This situation is usually caused by the following two reasons:

1. The Windows image is too large: This error message may appear when the temporary partition or flash drive used by the conversion assistant to install Windows cannot hold the Windows image. For example, if the Windows 10 Flash installation media converted to an ISO file is too large because it contains both 32-bit and 64 bit installation images.

2. Try to install Windows 10 in October 2018 on a Macbook running an earlier version: this may also cause this error message.

To solve this problem, the following methods can be adopted:

1. Download the latest version of Windows 10 from the Microsoft download page and install it using the Start Conversion Assistant. Make sure to use the April 2018 ISO document.

2. Open the Boot Camp assistant, which will guide the user to complete the whole process of installing Windows on the Mac.

3. After completing the operation of Boot Camp Assistant, the Mac will restart to the Windows installer. If the system asks the user where to install Windows, select the BOOTCAMP partition, and then click Format. After installation, you can use the Windows Update function to update to the October 2018 version.

reference material:
-Apple official website - Start the conversion assistant, show Huan Xuan, Zhong Yue, hit the original seat, and strictly follow the instructions, "unable to create a bootable USB drive"
-Microsoft official website - Microsoft download page
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Unable to create the boot partition. Check to see if you have installed wind10 correctly. It is possible that your boot partition has been installed on the U disk
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Do you have a partitioned hard disk?
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ZOL Q&A > Connecting line > other > There is no way to create bootable USB drive on the macbook. How to solve the problem of "there is not enough space on the disk"?

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