Why are the two Ctrl keys on my laptop useful? It's useless to switch input methods. Ctrl+Alt+

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Why are the two Ctrl keys on my laptop useful? It's useless to switch input methods. Ctrl+Alt+
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According to your prompt, it should be 1) The current boot disk is a non boot disk; 2) The disk used for startup cannot be read. The causes may generally be as follows:
1. The boot disk set by BIOS is wrong. Set the boot disk as a CD, floppy disk, or U disk. It happens that there is a U disk, floppy disk, or CD on the computer;
2. Hard disk contact is poor
3. Hard disk mode setting error
4. Hard disk MBR error
Of course, I don't rule out the possibility of discarding the hard disk. I moved the hard disk when I started the computer before, and the hard disk was abandoned, which was useless.

You can try the following:
1. Check the optical drive, USB flash disk, floppy disk, etc., and remove them if any;
2. Enter the BIOS to set the hard disk startup as the first startup disk in the startup item setting, and whether the restart attempt can be started;
3. Enter BIOS, modify the hard disk mode, set different modes and try to restart them to see if they can be started;
4. Unplug the chassis, unplug and reconnect the hard disk cable, and then try to start it again; During startup, listen to and touch the hard disk to see if it rotates normally;
5. Start with another CD or USB flash drive, and try to repair the MBR of the hard disk with "FDISK/MBR". You can also try other MBR repair methods, such as NDD in the previous DOS era. In this regard, you can check more relevant information on the Internet. Note: Be careful when using the FDISK command to operate the hard disk, or the partition will be lost, that is, all data on the hard disk will be lost.
Another way is to hard hook it to another machine for repair.

I hope it can help you.
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Change the keyboard. This is usually a stuck key. It's not easy to do. It should be OK after changing the keyboard
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The keyboard of the notebook is broken
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In Sogou input method, there is a key to change the input method. You can change it yourself
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ZOL Q&A > Eye protection desk lamp > other > Why are the two Ctrl keys on my laptop useful? It's useless to switch input methods. Ctrl+Alt+

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