How to play cs1.5 in win11 LAN

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How to play cs1.5 in win11 LAN
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1. In order to support multiplayer online games in the LAN, all computers need to be connected to the LAN of the same P segment.
2. For example, when a router is connected to the Internet portal, just connect two network cables from LAN port 1 and LAN port 2 of the router to computer A and computer B.
3. Ensure that the DHCP automatic IP assignment function is enabled in the router settings.
4. By selecting the local connection and using the method of automatically obtaining the IP address, obtain the IP address in the LAN on computer A and computer B, for example, and In this way, the two computers can belong to the same LAN.
5. After computer A enters CS game, select LAN mode and create a room. Then, enter CS game on computer B, and select LAN mode to view the game room created by computer A, and join it for battle operation.
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You can build it directly, but you should pay attention to the local area network box when searching. Don't look at the Internet...
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You can build the server when you see it
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Enter cs -- Create a new game
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Local area network (LAN), only those in Internet cafes are called local area networks (LANs). The router should be able to
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Have IP or use software to enable others to connect you
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ZOL Q&A > How to play cs1.5 in win11 LAN


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